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Feeling stuck in a creative rut? Creative journal prompts can help us get back on track and unleash inner creativity. Journaling is a great way to boost creativity and explore ideas, thoughts, and feelings. It can also help gain clarity and focus on what matters most. Creative journal prompts are an easy and fun way to jumpstart the creative process, whether feeling blocked or just needing something to spark some new ideas. From visualizing success to exploring self-discovery, these prompts will help get your creative juices flowing!
Here are some examples of creative journaling prompts that might inspire you. There’s one for every day and more:

- Write about a New Year’s Eve tradition.
- Write about a confession you’d like to make to yourself.
- Write about being imperfect.
- When was the last time you struggled and surrendered to something?
- Write about a New Year’s resolution. Did you keep it or not?
- Write about a time when you wanted something and did everything in your power to achieve it.
- When was the last time you watched the sunrise? If you can’t remember, do it and be inspired by it. Write about it.
- Write about how simple life can be.
- Write about the time when you explored your feelings or numbed them.
- Write about the Sun and the Moon.
- Write about the last time you said “Oh, wow!”
- What motivates you daily?
- How can you use your talents and skills to make the world a better place?
- How has your life changed since this time last year?
- What small steps can help you reach your goals faster?
- If money wasn’t an object, how would your life look different right now?
- You feel truly inspired when…
- You feel safe and secure when…
- Imagine having a new version of yourself 10 years from now. What do you do?
- Write down the things that bring happiness to your life.
- What do you wish for the world?
- Make a list of all the people who have influenced your life so far. What have you learned from them?
- Write about a dream or fantasy that still excites you today.
- How could you make today special in some small way?
- If there are no restrictions, explain how you can spend this day in a different way than usual.
- Think of one positive thing from each month of the past year. How has it changed or shaped your life?
- Write about someone who always makes you smile.
- Imagine you are standing on a billboard. What does it represent and how did it get there? Write about it.
- Write down questions to ask the person you want to interview. (real or imagined)
- Write a story about someone who is obviously lying.
- Imagine your favorite moments and write them down.

- Think of a recent inspiring discovery you made (about yourself or the world). Write about it.
- Marie Kondo a spot in the house. Write about what you find or your thoughts on organizing.
- Write about something shiny. (Could be an object or your personality)
- Write about how future technology would best look like.
- Write about being covered with something. (mud oil or icing)
- Write about a conversation you overheard. (Not into eavesdropping? You can just make one up)
- Imagine living in a tall apartment building with your unit above the clouds. Write about it.
- Imagine having a bunker house with 10 floors underground—use it as an inspiration.
- Look up the word of the day on Merriam-Webster. Ponder what it means to you and write about it.
- Write about a Harry Potter spell.
- Write about a passenger train or plane.
- Write about your favorite childhood game and the lessons you took away from it.
- What are your positive traits?
- Imagine being in a long-distance relationship. Write about it.
- Imagine celebrating a special date. Write about it.
- Write about a time when you had to break a fight or start one.
- Think of your spirit animal and write about why it best represents you.
- Write about your family/personal tradition.
- Imagine how your life looks without the Internet. Write about it.
- Write about your most cherished childhood memory.
- Write about your most or least favorite neighbor.
- Inspect a random object closely and describe it in great detail.
- Write about a decision you had to make and how it turned your life for the better (or worse).
- Write about someone who’s from the outside looking in.
- Write about when you had to break a promise.
- Watch a dog movie and write about the scene that made you (almost) cry.
- Come up with a holiday for today’s date and write a story about why it’s been decided to be an important date. Write a greeting card-style poem while you’re at it!
- Write about a made-up epic battle.
- Ponder about living a day as someone else and write about it.

- Take a personality test online and write about your traits.
- Think of heavy machinery and having to operate it on the day-to-day as your job.
- Write about ordinary objects coming to life and what they would say to you.
- Write a poem about your favorite food.
- Write about what you would see and experience while walking down your favorite city street.
- Imagine how your life would be if banks didn’t exist.
- Write about your favorite memory from a school/street fair.
- Think of an incomplete project and write about the reasons you started it. (This could prompt you to finish it or solidify your decision to keep or leave it as is.)
- Write about a time when someone broke your heart.
- Write about a time when you’ve been physically injured.
- Imagine being a lawyer/judge/jury in a courtroom. Write about it.
- Write about visiting a new planet for the first time.
- Write about an “aha” moment you had.
- Write yourself a cheesy love letter.
- Imagine owning a multi-million company and interviewing yourself for an entry-level position. What questions would you ask yourself and how would you answer? Would you hire yourself?
- Close your eyes and imagine living in the dark—be grateful for the things you can do with the light. Write about it.
- Look up a painting that sparks your creativity online and write about it.
- Write a spin-off story about your favorite series/movie.
- Write about your dream place to live in.
- Imagine being in a tunnel with a light at the end—write about what’s at the end of it.
- Go through the photos on your phone and write about one.
- Write about when you under- or over-utilized the words “please” and “thank you.”
- Write about your memories as a child playing hide and seek.
- When did you gamble or take a risk on something?
- Write a story from the perspective of someone who works at an airport.
- Write about the things you are contented with or want more of.
- Ponder on the life of a stray cat and write about it.
- Write a song about the rain, a rainbow, or the sea.
- Write about the last song you played from your playlist.
- Think about when you were determined to accomplish something and how it turned out.
- Write about when things conspired in your favor.

- Write an out-this-world love story.
- Write about having so much of something.
- Think of a limiting belief and write about how to address it.
- Create a story using “breaking news” as part of the first line.
- Write about a scent that brings back good memories.
- Write about being the getaway driver.
- Write about your mom’s home-cooked meals.
- Play Wordle and write about the word of the day.
- Write a poem/story with an onomatopoeia (e.g boom, ding, clang) on the first line.
- Write based on a recent podcast you’ve heard.
- Write about your feelings.
- Use an email in your inbox with an interesting subject as a starter.
- Write about a time when you felt calm and peaceful.
- Watch a stand-up comedy special and write something inspired by a joke.
- Write about how a weakness can be a hidden strength.
- Look up paint color names online and be inspired to write about the one you resonate with the most.
- Imagine having 25M followers on your social media for a day—what would you post?
- Write about something/someone you’re emotionally attracted to.
- Write about an underrated tourist spot (international/local).
- Write about how you can help address the most important world issue at this time.
- Write about a time when you gave up on something. What’s the best advice anyone gave you to keep going?
- Write a poem about your favorite element from the periodic table.
- What’s your fondest memory of school?
- Write about your favorite morning coffee/tea.
- Write about a conversation you had with a stranger on a plane.
- Write about witnessing or being in an emergency.
- Write about a loved one who has passed away.
- Write about your favorite motivational quote.
- Ponder on the result of a risk you took and write about it.
- Doodle freely for 3 minutes then make something out of it. Write about it.

- Write a song about unity.
- Write about a time when you felt offended and reasons to forgive the person who offended you.
- Write concerns you have about the environment.
- Write about a staircase that inspires you.
- Write a poem for someone who’s sick.
- Write about a random social media post you saw today.
- Write about your favorite social media platform—the good and bad effects of it on your mental health.
- What do you usually keep in your pockets? Write about them.
- Write about a hopeless situation and how you managed to stay hopeful.
- Write about a lesson life keeps throwing at you.
- Think of a promise would you like to give yourself and write about how you’re going to keep it.
- Write about your favorite tattoo, future tattoo, or the lack thereof.
- Write about your last birthday.
- Write a story based on the last personal email/message you received.
- Write about when you held back from saying something. What was the outcome?
- Try to remember an ad that tugged your heartstrings and write about it.
- Think back to when you felt refreshed and ready to take on a task. (Maybe after a relaxing weekend, a great masterclass, an inspiring talk you heard, or anything that filled your cup.)
- Borrow a line from a famous motivational speaker and craft your own.
- Imagine your life being born into a different family in another country and write about it.
- Write about the time when you felt lost in life, not knowing what to do.
- Look up popular words in different languages and write about the one you find most interesting. (e.g: Askida Ekmek, Ikigai, Hygge, Ho’oponopono, Hakuna Matata, etc)
- Be inspired by the activities in your calendar. How are you spending time on things that truly matter?
- Watch a rise-to-prominence movie and ponder on how much luck and hard work contributed to the main character’s success. Write about it.
- Write about when you feel truly blessed.
- Think about the time when you achieved something without even trying.
- Look up urban legends—discern facts from fiction and create your own.
- Write your thoughts about your name. Will you change it or keep it?
- Write about when a wish came true.
- Think about when you genuinely appreciated a work of art (painting, building design, sculpture, music, movie, story) and had to pay to see/own it.
- Write about when you were intimidated by someone.
- Write about something you truly believe in.

- Write about when someone became vulnerable with you.
- Write about the sounds you’re hearing.
- Make up a silly word, give it meaning, and write about it.
- Create a poem about your mother/father.
- Write a story that takes place at a fancy resort.
- Write about your experience playing sports.
- Write about when you saw someone by chance.
- Think of when you were sure about one thing but were proven wrong.
- Write about when you felt afraid.
- Write about living in an old mansion.
- Review your search/shopping history and write about it.
- Write about holding someone’s hand.
- Write a poem inspired by your favorite holiday.
- Write about someone you became friends with online.
- Write a story about a secret.
- What do you do when you need a break?
- Write about when you felt sweltering hot/uncomfortably cold.
- Write about the flavors of your favorite dish.
- Write about when you got woken up from a dream.
- Describe the time when you cannot fall asleep.
- Write 20 things you’re grateful for.
- Write a story about a couple shopping for their first home.
- Meditate for 15 minutes then write the first three things that came to mind.
- Write about your style.
- What was the last item you received in the mail? Write about it.
- Write a poem about your favorite word.
- Write a story about when you got help from a stranger.
- Write from the perspective of someone who only has a day to live.
- Write about working hard to achieve something.
- Write about having the ability to cure someone’s illness.

- Write about your love language.
- Look at yourself from the point of view of your grandparents – write about it.
- Write about your most joyful memory.
- Be inspired by a catchphrase of your favorite brand and write about it.
- Write about falling asleep unexpectedly.
- Write about the longest plane/train ride you’ve ever taken.
- Write about the last thing you’ve thrown away.
- Write a story that uses your favorite symbol as the central element.
- Write a story from the perspective of an astronaut.
- Imagine what it’s like to live under the sea and write about it.
- Imagine being a pop star. Write about your experience.
- Write about a gift you gave someone.
- Write about a person who sacrificed something to help you.
- Write about something you used to do.
- Write about your favorite phone application.
- Think back to when you did something alone for the first time (going to the movies, eating out).
- Write about when you felt out of place.
- Write about going on an adventure with a group of people.
- Write about an experience being up high. (bungee jumping, hot air balloon ride, skydiving, looking out from a tall building, etc.)
- Imagine solving a mystery and write about the details.
- Write an entry inspired by a recent book you read.
- Write about your goals.
- Write about a project you wish to start.
- Write about your dream house and lifestyle,
- Write about how it felt when you said something you didn’t mean.
- Write something inspired by the most challenging year in your life.
- Write about losing your voice and speaking for the first time.
- Use a random word generator to get five words—use them to write a story.
- Look up the new generation’s slang words and write about them.
- Write about a time when someone was intentionally rude.
- Find famous sayings online and write about the one you can connect with most.

- Write about how you feel after cleaning up.
- Write about a family gathering you last attended.
- Use a conversation with customer support you’ve had as inspiration.
- Imagine traveling in time and write about it.
- Imagine saying something funny in a very serious situation. Write about it.
- Write about when you think history just keeps repeating itself.
- Write about a time when you felt truly accepted.
- Write about your most-comfortable footwear.
- Write about an awkward situation.
- Write about your favorite form of entertainment,
- Think back to when you had to decline an invitation. Write about it.
- Write about when you had a lot of important events happening at the same time.
- Write about when someone put their trust in you.
- Write your thoughts about living off the grid.
- Write about a time when we’re in the flow.
- Write about your favorite mythical creature or the lack thereof.
- Imagine being caught red-handed. Write a story about it.
- Think of a bad situation that happened in the past and find the good that came out of it. Write about it.
- Write about the last time you danced.
- Write about when someone shared something with you.
- Write your thoughts on money and the things you’d like to accomplish with it.
- Write about your go-to Friday night drink.
- Use the titles of your favorite books/websites to craft a poem.
- Write an awareness post for a cause you truly care about.
- What would you do even if you knew you would fail?
- Write about your thoughts on authenticity vs. consistency.
- What’s a story-worthy incident that happened yesterday?
- Write about the best compliment you’ve ever given and/or received.
- Write about something that you’re waiting to happen or change.
- Write about a time when you spoke too soon.
- Write about a time when you sought external validation.

- Write about a time when you applied delayed gratification.
- Imagine a time when you did something for the first or last time.
- Write about a time a synchronicity.
- Write about a time when you felt confident.
- Write about a moment in your life when you were resilient.
- Write about a time when you dared to lead.
- Remember a time when you have been a bad*ss and write about it.
- Write about something you suck at.
- Write about a time when you felt the most seen and heard.
- What was the last thing you laughed about?
- Write about the things in your life you don’t know for sure.
- What is something you’d wait in line for? Write about it.
- Imagine being a character in your guilty-pleasure reality show. Write about it.
- Make a list of people you look up to and decide what part of your personality you can take as your own. Write about it.
- Write about a time when you found out someone lied to you.
- Write about the lessons you learned from playing your favorite board game.
- If it was the last day of your life, would you spend it the way you’re spending today? If not, write about it then do something about it.
- Write about the time when you felt most alive.
- Write about your favorite dessert.
- Write about the most delectable meal you’ve ever had.
- Write about the most precious jewelry you own or wish to own.
- Think of a desperate situation and write a story about it.
- Narrate your life from the point of view of your pet.
- Write about how you met your partner or best friend.
- Write about an experience you’ve had at a bar.
- Write about a friend you can count on.
- Write about the dumbest decision you’ve ever made.
- Write about a time when you don’t know how you got home.
- What is your most rewarding activity? Write about it.
- Imagine having a robot to help you with everything—write about it.

- When was the last time you listened to your voice? Read something out loud and write about the experience.
- What is your primary goal in life? Write about it.
- Write about your mantra in life.
- Write about running towards something or someone.
- Imagine a life with no sense of taste. Write about it.
- Write about being in the now.
- Write about a time when you felt conflicted.
- Write about a moment when you held someone accountable for your happiness.
- Write about the last challenge you took on.
- Imagine experiencing an earthquake. Write about it.
- Imagine living in the coldest place on earth. Write about it.
- Write from the point of view of a bug.
- Write a poem about a flower.
- Write about a time when you felt ashamed.
- Write about your most expensive piece of clothing.
- Write about a toy you used to have as a child.
- Write about something you learned on your own.
- Write about a time when you truly supported another person.
- Write about a family heirloom.
- Look up an abstract painting online. Write about what you imagine in the painting.
- When was the last time something or someone made you smile? Write about it.
- Remember a time when someone you trusted turned their back on you. Write about it.
- Write about the most profound lessons you learned in life.
- Write about a time when you felt truly courageous.
- Write about a time when you felt genuinely loved.
- Write about a time when you blamed someone.
- Create a slogan using a catchphrase generator. Write a poem from it.
- Write about your preconceived ideas of romance.
- Write about a time when you walked away from something.
- Write about the best words of encouragement you’ve ever received.
- Write about when you gave someone a big hug.

- Play your go-to hype song, be inspired by it, and write about it.
- Write about a time when someone took care of you while sick.
- Write an entry about a time when you tried to impress someone.
- Give your favorite fairy tale a modern twist.
- Write about your first pet.
- Write an entry about an interesting meme you saw lately.
- Let Netflix surprise you; be inspired by the suggestion. Write an entry on artificial intelligence.
- Write about changes in your life.
- Write a story based on the last food you’ve eaten.
- Write about why you get what you give.
- Write about something you broke or witnessed breaking.
- Write about the vibration you bring when you walk into a room.
- Write about the last time you said: “thank you.”
- Write about your new normal.
- Write about your favorite day of the week.
- Write about the best souvenir you got from a trip.
- Write about a person who cannot function without caffeine.
- Write from the perspective of a trash bin.
- Write about a time when you have forgiven yourself or someone.
- Write about a piece of good news you gave or received.
- Solve a word search puzzle and write a poem based on the words you found.
- Write about growing old.
- Write about the last time you complained about something.
- Write a story and have a plant as the main character.
- Write about the first thought you had when you woke up today.
- Write a story from the point of view of an ex.
- Write about realizing your full potential.
- What are you afraid of? Write about why it cannot kill you.
- Write about the time when you paid attention to the naysayers.
- Write about a time when you shrunk down part of yourself.

- Examine your motivations. What is your real intention? Write about it.
- Write about the last time you visited a family member.
- Write about when you collaborated with a team.
- Write about someone who’s counting the minutes to lunch.
- Write about a time when everything was chaotic on the outside but you were calm on the inside.
- Write an entry on how creating brings you more success and abundance, even if it feels scary at the time.
- Write about when you made someone laugh.
- Write about when you thought outside the box.
- Write about when you gave your power to someone.
- Write about when you arrived late for something.
- Write about when someone kept you waiting.
- Write about when you didn’t listen to someone’s advice.
- Write your thoughts on death.
- What are the truths of your life? Write about it.
- Write an entry about when you chose happiness.
- Write about a time when you were so dedicated to the process you didn’t care about the outcome.
- In the word “question,” there is a quest. Look at regular words from a different light (Example: coincidence—co-inside dances). Be inspired and write a poem about it.
- Write about a time when you were thinking of someone and you received a phone call or a message from them.
- When was the last time when you were spontaneous? Write about it.
- Write about the last party you’ve been invited to but decided not to go to.
- Write about someone faithful.
- Write about a story of survival—yours or someone else.
- Write about a time when you knew something without understanding why.
- Write about someone who inspired you.
- Write about a moment that defined you.
- Write about a person who has the most influence on you.
- Write about the essence of who you are.
- When was the last time you had a hard experience and the lessons from it.
- What are you most proud of? Write about it.
- What are you most curious about right now? Write about it.
- Write about the things you admire about yourself.

- Write about what your mom used to tell you all the time.
- Write about the time when you were true to yourself.
- Schadenfreude – a pleasure derived from someone’s misfortune. Write about a time when you secretly felt schadenfreude.
- What is it that you really want right now?
- What is it that you really need right now?
- Where can you be more assertive?
- Is there something that you are afraid will happen if you get what you want or need?
- What will you feel about yourself after confronting your fears?
- Write about a time when you expressed your uniqueness fearlessly.
- In 5 years, what do you want my life to look like?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
- What’s holding you back from achieving the goals that you need to let go of?
- How do you want others to remember you when this life is over?
- What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
- Write about a time when something unexpected happened that changed everything.
- Describe what an ideal day looks like from the start.
- What is something that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?
- What would you do differently if you could go back in time?
- What does creativity mean to you?
- If you had the power to change one thing about the world, what would it be?
- Write about when you seek someone’s advice. Did you follow their advice?
- Write about a time when you defended someone or something.
- Write about how you imagine paradise to be,
- Think of a time when you wore your busyness like a badge of honor (you didn’t have to). Write about your idea of urgency.
- Write about a time when you listened with good intentions.
- Write about a time when you tuned into yourself.
- Write about a time when you predicted something correctly.
- Write about a time when you doubted someone.
- When was the last time when you were uncertain about something? Write about it.
- Write about when you took your sweet time.
- Write about the time when you missed an important phone call.
- Write about when a door closed on you and another opened (figuratively).
- Write about a time when you were stressed out.
- Write a story about a person who’s always in a hurry.
- Choose a font name and research what it was named after. Be inspired and write about it.
- Write about your best investment.
- Write your thoughts on spirituality.
- Imagine having a pet dragon. Write about it.
- Write about wasted time.
- Write about something you have too many of.
- Write about the last time someone asked you for directions.
- Write about when you had a conversation with friends around a fire.
- Got a frenemy? Write them a letter. Send it (or not).
- Write an entry with a hidden message,
- Write about a time when you felt truly free.
- Write about something you’re enthusiastic about.
- Write about a time when you pulled an all-nighter.
- Write about your life’s biggest mistake.
- Write about when you truly recognized the emotions in others and stayed out of judgment.
I hope these creative journal prompts have helped get your creative juices flowing and allowed you to unleash your creativity. Please let me know if you have any other tips for getting unstuck and tapping into your creativity—I’d love to hear them!