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How to Make Decisions with Confidence: 11 Strategies to Guide Your Choices

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Are you constantly second-guessing yourself? Do you stress over every decision, no matter how small? Are you feeling stuck and unsure of which path to take or having trouble trusting your own judgment?  If that sounds like you, don’t worry—we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll provide 11 strategies to help guide your decisions with confidence. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea if that’s more your thing), and let’s get started!

It’s important to recognize what motivates and drives us so that we can make informed decisions that are in line with our beliefs. When we identify our core values, we are able to live our lives in a more meaningful way and take actions that reflect who we are. Here are some tips to help us identify and understand our core values:

  1. Write them down. Take a moment to reflect on what’s important and list out the values that matter the most.
  2. Consider the people you admire. Think about who you look up to and what qualities they possess that make them admirable.
  3. Consider your experiences. Reflect on past experiences and consider how these have helped shape your values over time.
  4. Categorize values into related groups. Take a look at all the values you’ve identified so far and group them into related categories such as “family,” “career,” etc.
  5. Identify the central theme. Now look at all the categories and try to identify a common theme among them—this is likely your core value or set of core values that make up who you are.
  6. Choose your top core values. Finally, choose just three or four of the core values that really resonate with you. These will become the foundation for how you choose to live your life going forward.

2. Dont Rush

Urgent and important are not synonyms. Urgent is an earnest and insistent necessity that requires speedy action or attention, while important refers to something that is of great significance or value. For example, it might be urgent to complete a work project before the end of the day, but it does not necessarily mean that it is important. On the other hand, something may be important without being urgent; for instance, spending time with family might be very important in the long run but not necessarily urgent in the short term.

Taking a moment to pause and reflect on the situation can save us from making costly errors. It can also help us avoid regretting decisions; remember The Paradox of Choice: that even not choosing is a choice in and of itself. It can be hard to decide which one we want, and we may be tempted to simply not choose at all, but this is also making a choice in itself.

3. Visualize the Outcome

When it comes to making decisions, visualizing the potential outcome of each choice can be extremely helpful. Decision tree analysis is a great tool to quickly break down complex decisions into simpler choices, visualizing the potential outcomes involved with each path of action. This will allow us to quickly understand all options and the potential consequences of each choice.

Data visualization is also a great way to make informed decisions. By leveraging visual data, we can easily understand the facts and make decisions that will benefit us in the long run. Data visualization makes decision-making a much easier process and helps us get the best possible outcome from every decision we make.

Noticing what we allow into our consciousness throughout our day can help us create the reality we desire. This includes paying attention to where our time and energy go and making sure that it aligns with the goals we have set.

4. Consider All Options Carefully

Making a decision is a scientific process that requires thought and careful consideration. Effective decision-making is often inclusive: it takes all necessary parties into account and is collaborative rather than a one-person show. Whether it’s a big or small decision, let’s always make sure we are taking into account all perspectives. Rely on inner feelings and intuition, as well as research and data analysis to make sure we are making the best possible choice. Ultimately, it is important to be aware of our own habits when it comes to decision-making and ensure that we make decisions with integrity and high moral character.

Intuition is a felt sense of direct knowing or insight that can often be downplayed in a Western culture that values rationality and logic. To get back in touch with our intuition, create space to focus and take the time to listen to the heart.

There are many resources available to help us strengthen our connection with inner wisdom, such as books like Intuition for Starters: How to Know and Trust Your Inner Guidance by Swami Kriyananda. Listen to the inner voice and trust the path it guides us on. We have the blueprint for success within, so believe in ourselves and trust our intuition. The three qualities of calmness, clarity, and joy can help us recognize true guidance from our intuition; recognizing this and connecting with information beyond our conscious mind is essential to help us learn more about trusting our inner guidance.

6. Make an Educated Guess

Making an educated guess means taking into consideration all of the facts and information available, weighing the pros and cons, and drawing a conclusion. We won’t always get it right, but having an educated guess helps narrow down the options and gives us a good starting point. Sometimes, using heuristics—such as asking a manager about their most recent innovation project—can save us a lot of time. We can also use our prior experiences, research questions, and hypotheses to help form an educated guess. Ultimately, gathering all of the information available before making a decision is the key to ensuring that decisions are made with the best possible outcome.

7. Don't Overanalyze Everything

The simplest solution is almost always the best. This is known as Occam’s Razor, a problem-solving principle that suggests that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. This philosophical concept was named after 14th-century logician and theologian William of Ockham, and it has been used by many great thinkers throughout history. In layman’s terms, it states that when faced with competing hypotheses about a prediction, one should select the most straightforward solution. Occam’s Razor also advises seeking the more economical solution—so why complicate things?

8. Reframe Negative Thoughts

Reframing negative thoughts is a useful tool for developing conscious decision-making skills. By becoming aware of our current thinking patterns, we can begin to recognize cognitive distortions such as catastrophizing. This can help to create emotional distance in our self-talk and calm us down.

We should remind ourselves that it’s important to take the time to understand who an impression is and what it represents. As Epictetus advises, “Hold on a moment; let me see who you are and what you represent.” This simple reminder helps us stay grounded and focused on making informed decisions. It reinforces that we are in control of how we respond to our impressions, instead of letting them control us. Strive to develop powers of objective decision-making by making non-emotional and rational choices.

To reframe our thoughts, we can ask “What can this thought teach me?” Additionally, we can use positive reframing and cognitive reframing techniques to gain a more positive perspective on the situation. Practicing these techniques regularly will slowly help us replace negative thoughts with more realistic and hopeful ones. Listening to podcasts like The Mojo Maker, the Tim Ferriss Show, or Huberman Lab is a great way to gain insight into how to make better decisions. 

The strategy of practicing objectivity—remaining impartial when making decisions—can help us acknowledge and compensate for our biases. We need to gather as much tradecraft as possible to gain a better understanding of the situation and rely on structured analytic processes to filter out any subjective or unconscious assumptions. The eye that perceives is weak, while the eye that observes is stronger. Being objective means taking ourselves out of the equation.

9. Give Yourself Permission to Act

Giving ourselves permission to act means committing fully and taking responsibility for any outcome, good or bad. It also involves being open-minded and allowing for course corrections if needed. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that decisions are not always set in stone, so if we don’t feel comfortable with a choice, we can always rethink our options.

Life is full of ebbs and flows. The term “ebb and flow” refers to the cycles we experience highs and lows, successes and failures, growth and stagnation. It’s a natural part of life, understanding that the tides will come in and out just as our lives have their own rhythms. We must learn to accept these changes, knowing that they are necessary for us to experience growth and transformation. The ebb and flow of life can be seen everywhere—in relationships, our health, and in ourselves. Allowing ourselves to move with the tides instead of fighting against them can help us to feel more at peace with the changes happening in our lives as outcomes of our decisions. 

Although we may not understand the reasons why certain events happen, there is a larger plan at work beyond our comprehension. Although we might not know what that purpose is, we can take comfort in believing that it is part of a larger plan. Even when life throws us curveballs, we can trust that these moments are ultimately leading us to something greater than ourselves.

Fear can be a paralyzing emotion, but it doesn’t have to be. Instead, we can use fear as motivation to push us forward and do what we need to do. Fear can often be a sign that something important is about to happen, and when we take the steps necessary to face it head-on, we open up a world of possibilities for ourselves. Whether it’s taking a chance on a new job or making the decision to travel somewhere we’ve never been before, let not fear stop us from making a big decision.

Letting go and trusting the universe can be a difficult thing to do; if we take the time to learn how to let go of control, it will lead us to greater joy and success in life. To start, you could try meditating—imagine a beautiful light that allows us to release all expectations and trust the universe. With practice, time and patience, we will learn to master the art of letting go.

11. Have a Backup Plan

Having a backup plan can provide us with the security and flexibility to make the best decisions for ourselves and our goals. A backup plan can help us stay focused and motivated, protect us from unexpected circumstances.

By making a backup plan we can reduce the time spent suffering through the negative consequences of goal failure, improve our decision-making process, and increase our commitment to achieving our goals. Research shows that having a backup plan can reduce the desire for our initial goal and dilute our intentions for making our dreams work, so make sure to create a backup plan only after everything possible has been done to reach the primary target. This will allow us to remain focused on achieving it while still ensuring that we have options if something goes wrong.


Committing to the process and detaching from the outcome is important in manifesting our dreams and desires. To be attached is to live in fear that what we want won’t come true; when we take a step back and become an observer, we begin to trust that whatever happens is all part of the plan.

Committing to the process means doing what we can do—taking action, planning, and preparing—and then letting go of expectations for the results. This can help lead to a happier and more successful life.

For example, if we want to get out of a difficult relationship, releasing emotion about it is an important part of the process. Let go of any attachments or expectations for how the situation will turn out.

Detaching from the outcome can be hard. It requires us to surrender control over what we cannot control and trust that everything will work out in its own time. It’s a reminder that we can only do our best, but ultimately we have no control over what will happen.

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that no decisions are set in stone, so if we don’t feel comfortable with the choice, we can always rethink our options!

I hope you enjoyed learning about the strategies and tools to help you make wiser decisions with confidence. Now it’s time that we put them into action. What’s the first decision that you plan on making with more confidence? Let me know in the comments!

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