
Are You Woke or Awakened? Find Out Now

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There’s been a lot of talk about the concept of being “woke” in recent years, but how does it differ from being awakened? Is one better than the other? These terms have different origins and connotations, and being truly awakened goes beyond being aware of social issues. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between being woke and awakened, and how you determine which best describes your consciousness level.

Knowing the Difference

Woke and awakened mentalities are both terms that have gained popularity particularly within social justice and spiritual communities; while they may seem similar, there is a subtle yet important difference between the two. Generally speaking, being woke refers to having an awareness of social injustices and systemic issues, particularly around race and gender. An awakened mentality, on the other hand, refers to a spiritual awakening or enlightenment, often characterized by personal growth and a deeper sense of purpose and connection.

Knowing the difference between these two mindsets is important because they are not interchangeable. While being woke is important for recognizing and addressing issues of social justice, it is not the same as achieving an awakened mentality. Moreover, conflating the two can lead to a belief that simply being woke is enough to effect change in our communities and the world. Understanding the difference allows us to pursue both personal and societal transformation in a more nuanced and holistic way.

Signs of Woke Mentality

Actively Seeking Out Diverse Perspectives

Those with woke mentality actively seek diverse perspectives, particularly those of historically marginalized groups. They recognize the value in learning from the experiences of those traditionally silenced or ignored.

Challenging Biases

A woke individual understands that everyone has biases and actively challenges their own. They work to identify and unpack their own internalized biases in order to better understand how those biases impact their interactions with others.

Open to Learning

A woke person understands that they don’t have all the answers and is open to learning about other cultures, histories, and perspectives. They seek out opportunities to engage with people and ideas that are different from their own.

Working Against Oppression

Those with a woke mentality understand that oppression is pervasive and actively work to dismantle it. This can manifest in a variety of ways, from participating in protests and activism to engaging in difficult conversations with family and friends.

Accepting Discomfort

Those with a woke mentality understand that growth often comes from discomfort and will willingly engage in challenging conversations and situations. They recognize that these moments can be difficult but are necessary to effect positive change.

Potential Drawbacks of Being Woke


While being aware of social issues is admirable, it’s important to avoid becoming arrogant in the belief that your values are the only correct ones. A woke mentality can sometimes make some feel morally superior to those who don’t share their point of view.


A woke mindset can sometimes lead to overgeneralization and labelling of people based solely on their race, gender or sexual orientation. This can be divisive and counterproductive to social progress.

Victim Mentality

Woke mentality can sometimes foster the belief that individuals are always victims rather than empowering them to take responsibility for their own lives and actions.

Cancel Culture

Cancel culture has emerged as a consequence of the woke mentality; it involves boycotting individuals or businesses that are seen as not adhering to certain politically correct beliefs. This can lead to censorship, fear of expression, and lack of diversity of thought.

Perpetual Offense

While it’s important to acknowledge and address instances of injustice and inequality, taking offense to everything can be exhausting and unsustainable. A woke mindset may sometimes lead to focusing too much on minor injustices that distract from addressing more significant global issues.

The woke mentality can sometimes result in people being afraid to express their own views or debate ideas, and instead conform to the set of beliefs held by their social circle. This can prevent the growth of new ideas and limit intellectual diversity and critical thinking.

Virtue Signaling

A woke mindset can sometimes induce people to publicly display their morals and values to gain social credit or fame. This can become a performance and lead to individuals not acting on their beliefs when not in the public eye.

Traits and Behaviors of Those Who are Awakened


People with an awakened mentality are often present in the moment and practice mindfulness as a way to stay grounded and focused. They pay attention to the little things around them and focus on the here and now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

People with an awakened mentality do not judge people, situations, and experiences. They strive to understand different perspectives and embrace diversity in all its forms.


Awakened individuals operate knowing that everything we experience is natural. While there may be occurrences that seem beyond explanation, it’s simply because we have yet to fully understand them. They know that the concept of the supernatural implies that there are forces or entities outside of the natural realm, but in reality, they are simply unknown to us.

Being grateful is a key element of the awakened mindset. Gratitude helps them cultivate a positive outlook in life, which in turn helps them cope with adversity and improves their relationships with others.

Continuously Learning

People with the awakened mentality are committed to lifelong learning and personal growth. They are enthusiastic about acquiring new knowledge and skills that they can apply to enhance their lives and those of the people around them.

Taking Responsibility

They take responsibility for their actions and the consequences. They understand the role they play in determining their own lives and take ownership of the outcomes they want to achieve.

Maintain Peace and Harmony

Awakened individuals are naturally inclined towards peace and harmony, both internally and externally. They have an innate ability to maintain a calm and collected demeanor, even in the face of adversity or conflict.

Benefits of Being Awakened

Positive Attitude

An awakened individual is more likely to have a positive attitude towards life. They are able to recognize the value of good experiences and learn from difficult situations, rather than being consumed by negativity.

Personal Growth

With a deeper sense of self-awareness comes personal growth. An awakening can help individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and true passions, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Improved Relationships

Being awakened can enhance one’s ability to empathize with others, leading to stronger and more meaningful relationships. It can also help individuals detach from toxic relationships and establish healthy boundaries.

Spiritual Connection

Awakening can lead to a deeper understanding of and connection to one’s spirituality, whether that be through a specific religion or a personal belief system.

Increased Creativity

With an awakened mind, the lens through which one views the world becomes clearer and wider, allowing for a more creative interpretation of life and its possibilities.

Greater Purpose

An awakened mentality often leads to a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life. This can provide motivation and direction towards achieving goals and fulfillment.

Inner Peace

Living with an awakened mentality often brings a sense of inner peace, as individuals are able to detach from external sources of stress and find solace within themselves.

Improved Physical Health

The stress-relieving benefits of an awakened mentality can also lead to improved physical health. Reduced stress levels have been linked to lower rates of chronic illnesses and overall improvement in well-being.

How to Shift from Woke to Awakened

Shifting from a woke to an awakened mentality requires a deeper level of self-reflection and introspection. To make the shift, one essential step is letting go of our judgments. The more we resist the injustices of oppression or racism, the more they seem to appear around us. Instead of judging others or even ourselves, it is important to embrace forgiveness and understanding.

When we catch ourselves in the act of judging, taking a step back and reframing our thoughts can help us shift our mindset to a more awakened mentality. By letting go of judgment, we can better identify the root causes of societal issues and work towards creating a more equitable and just world. Through these practices, we can evolve from a surface level of awareness to a deeper understanding and commitment to social justice.


Having a woke mentality has both benefits and drawbacks. It’s important to strike a balance between being aware of social issues, accepting diverse perspectives, and not criticizing those who may disagree with us. However, it is better to be woke than to be unconscious and ignorant of the issues around, as it is a step towards the path of awakening and becoming an active participant in making a positive change in the world.

I hope this article has given you some food for thought when it comes to the difference between being woke and being truly awakened. Remember, being truly awakened is an ongoing process of growth, self-reflection, and empathy. Keep striving towards that instead of just settling for surface-level awareness. Thanks for reading!

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