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What is Real and What is Not?

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What we think is real versus a figment of our imagination can often blur the lines of reality. Reality, according to philosophers, is grounded on actual existence and substance, while neuroscience challenges the very essence of the self as an illusion. In this journey of exploring the concept of reality, we delve into the intricate balance between what is tangible and what is merely a construct of our minds. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of what is truly real and what is not!

The Philosophy of Reality

When examining the nature of reality and existence from a philosophical standpoint, there are various perspectives to consider:


In the realm of idealism, the nature of reality is perceived as a shimmering web of thoughts and perceptions, where the external world exists as a reflection of our inner consciousness. Imagine reality as a vast canvas, painted by our thoughts and beliefs, shaping the world around us like a sculptor molds clay. Just as a mirror reflects our image back to us, so too does reality mirror our innermost beliefs and expectations. It is like gazing at the stars in the night sky, realizing that the beauty and wonder we see are projections of our own minds. In this worldview, reality is not fixed or concrete, but fluid and ever-changing, responding to the vibrations of our thoughts and intentions.


Materialism views the nature of reality like a finely crafted machine, where every part has a specific function and purpose. Imagine reality as a grand symphony, where each note and instrument contributes to the harmonious whole. Just as a watch’s gears work seamlessly together to tell time, materialism sees the universe as an intricate system of particles and energy. In this perspective, everything can be broken down into its smallest components, like how a painting is made of brushstrokes. 

Materialism offers a lens that seeks to uncover the underlying mechanisms and laws that govern our existence, like how a biologist studies the intricate web of life in an ecosystem. It’s a perspective that values reality’s tangible and measurable aspects.


Imagine reality as a breathtaking, intricate tapestry woven with two contrasting threads: light and shadow. This is the essence of Dualism, a belief that the world is governed by two opposing forces, each essential in its own right. Just as day gives way to night, and yin complements yang, Dualism teaches us the harmonious dance of duality in nature. It’s like the delicate balance of a flower blooming under the sun’s warmth while rooted in the nourishing darkness of the soil; in understanding Dualism, we come to appreciate the beauty and unity found in embracing both the light and the dark aspects of existence.


Existentialism sees the nature of reality as a vast, ever-changing canvas where we are free to create our meaning and purpose. Imagine life like a tree swaying in the wind, we must embrace the uncertainty and unpredictability of existence; just as flowers bloom in unexpected places, we must find beauty amid chaos. Existentialism invites us to dance with life’s mysteries, like stars shining brightly in the night sky, guiding us on our journey of self-discovery and growth.


Pragmatism advocates treating science as a powerful tool for accomplishing tasks and making predictions, rather than solely focused on explaining the ultimate nature of reality. Followers of this philosophy may posit that understanding an objective reality is not as crucial as practical outcomes. For instance, while science can quantify the gravitational pull between objects, pragmatists may not be concerned with the underlying mechanism responsible, whether it’s a fundamental force, divine intervention, or even a metaphorical expression of objects seeking companionship. Ultimately, pragmatism emphasizes the practical utility of knowledge over delving into metaphysical debates about the true nature of phenomena.

Common Misconceptions of Reality

Everything we Perceive is Accurate and Objective

This misconception overlooks the powerful impact of our internal filters, such as the ego and personal biases, on our perception. These filters shape our understanding of reality, leading us to see things not as they are, but as we believe them to be. For instance, imagine two people witnessing the same event: one with a strong ego constantly seeking validation, and the other with deep-seated biases. The first may interpret the event as a personal attack, while the second may see it as confirming their existing beliefs.

Furthermore, optical illusions and magician’s tricks often deceive our senses, showing us that what we perceive is not always an accurate representation of reality. These examples demonstrate how our perception can be clouded by subjective filters, distorting what we perceive as reality.

There is Only One Way to Interpret Reality

The misconception that there is only one way to interpret reality is flawed since reality can be understood in multiple ways; we perceive and interpret things based on our experiences, beliefs, and perspectives. For instance, consider a work of art such as a painting: one person may see it as a symbol of hope and beauty, while another might see it as a representation of darkness and sorrow. Both interpretations are valid and contribute to the richness and diversity of human experience. This exemplifies how reality can be multifaceted, and there is no single correct way to perceive it.

Your Version of Reality is the Only Correct One

The misconception that your version of reality is solely correct can create rifts and misunderstandings in various social interactions. By failing to recognize and respect the perspectives and experiences of others, conflicts may arise due to a lack of empathy and understanding.

Shared Reality

Shared reality refers to a common understanding or perception of events, ideas, or humor among a group of individuals. When it comes to humor, people who do not have the full context of a situation may not find it funny because they are missing crucial details that make the joke or situation humorous.

For instance, consider a stand-up comedy bit where a comedian makes a joke about a specific local food dish that is notorious for its unique taste. To someone who is not familiar with that particular dish or the cultural significance surrounding it, the joke may fall flat or come across as confusing. However, for those who share the same cultural background and understanding of the dish, the joke becomes hilarious because they can relate to the experience and nuances being referenced.

This example highlights how shared reality influences our perception; without understanding the context of the situation, we may not fully grasp the purpose of it. Thus, shared reality plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding and appreciation of everything around us.

Behind Everything is God

The concept that behind everything is God suggests that a higher power or divine energy is present in every aspect of our lives. This idea is intricately connected to our perception of reality as it implies that there is a deeper, spiritual meaning behind the events and circumstances we encounter. 

In this context, the belief that God or Love is behind every war and abuse challenges us to see beyond the surface of negativity and conflict, recognizing that ultimately everything stems from a place of love or a desperate need for love. This perspective encourages empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of human behavior, reminding us to approach all situations with kindness and a willingness to see the inherent goodness within every individual.

Simulation Theory

Many have expressed the intriguing notion that “The Matrix,” starring Keanu Reeves, is more than just a movie; some even go as far as to consider it a documentary. This unique perspective stems from the parallels drawn between the film’s exploration of a simulated reality and the concept that our own existence could be part of a larger simulation. Just like the characters in the movie had to pierce through the illusion of the Matrix, some believe that we, too, need to break free from societal conditioning and personal limitations to unveil the Truth behind our existence. 

Have you ever heard of the term “glitch in the matrix”? This intriguing phrase refers to those bizarre moments when reality seems to momentarily warp or shift, causing a sense of déjà vu or a strange, unexplained occurrence; it’s often used to describe those uncanny experiences that make you question the fabric of the universe.  These instances of inexplicable occurrences can make us ponder the nature of reality and consider the possibility that what we perceive as real might not be as straightforward as it seems.


The concept that we are all co-creators of our reality emphasizes the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and actions play a significant role in shaping the world around us. It ties closely with the principles of manifestation and the law of attraction, which suggest that our beliefs and energies attract corresponding experiences into our lives. By aligning our intentions with positivity and abundance, we can consciously create the reality we desire.

When co-creating, it’s crucial to follow our Divine mind, which represents our highest, most authentic self, connected to the universe’s wisdom. By tapping into this inner guidance, we can ensure that our desires are aligned with our soul’s purpose and highest good. This alignment not only enhances the manifestation process but also fosters harmony and balance in our lives.


The concept that everything is real can be challenging for some to comprehend; the notion of unicorns, fairies, and fire-spitting dragons can seem outlandish and fantastical. It’s vital to recognize that while these beings may not exist in our tangible 3D world, they could potentially be real in alternate dimensions or densities. Acknowledging their potential existence in some form of reality opens up the possibility for them to manifest. Embracing the idea of multiple realities can broaden our perspectives and foster a sense of wonder and curiosity toward the unknown.

In a world where perceptions shape reality, if a substantial number of individuals reach a consensus on the existence of extraterrestrial beings, it is likely to become an accepted part of our collective reality. The acknowledgment of their presence does not hinge on personal beliefs but rather on a broader societal acceptance. It is essential to recognize that disbelief does not negate their potential existence in alternate realms or dimensions, a fascinating subject warranting further exploration in a separate discussion.


In a reality that seems backwards—where the world we perceive as real may actually be false—a small Voice patiently awaits our attention, serving as the essence of true reality. As beings who possess a divine spark within our humanity, we are akin to gods on a journey of self-discovery and remembrance. When we drift into slumber, we awaken to a different realm of existence, and upon rising in the morning, we open our eyes to the illusion that surrounds us.

Let’s continue transcending the confines of the ego, so we can potentially uncover a deeper reality beyond what is readily apparent. Thank you for joining us as we explored the difference between what is real and what is not. We hope this blog has sparked some thought-provoking conversations and reflections for you.

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