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Are Gods Actually Extraterrestrial Beings?

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Have you ever wondered about the origins of humanity? Science tells us that we evolved from previous animals over time, but have you ever considered the possibility that we were actually created by extraterrestrial beings? What if the belief in deities was just a way for ancient humans to describe encounters with extraterrestrial beings? 

This theory, that gods are extraterrestrial beings, has caused controversy and fascination among believers and skeptics alike. In this blog post, we will explore the evidence and arguments for and against the idea of deities being aliens, and invite you to consider the idea with an open mind. Are you ready to dive into this intriguing topic? Keep reading to find out more

Prehistoric Ancient Civilizations

“Prehistoric ancient civilizations” refers to civilizations before the invention of writing. The prehistoric period spanned roughly 2.5 million years ago to around 2500 B.C.E., ending when written records began documenting human activity. Despite the lack of written records, prehistoric ancient civilizations have left behind countless remains and artifacts that continue to fascinate and inform modern-day archaeologists.

There has been extensive literature surrounding the existence of prehistoric ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria. While much speculation and myth surround these supposed lost civilizations, some evidence supports their existence. Evidence from various parts of the world suggests the existence of advanced civilizations that pre-date our own:

  • The Pacific region shows archaeological peculiarities such as cave systems filled with unrecovered treasures and inscribed columns which are attributed to an unknown sunken civilization. 
  • The island of Nuku Hiva is home to megaliths, which display gigantic measurements and the remains of all sorts of megalithic constructions. 
  • The underwater buildings discovered off the coast of Japan cannot be attributed to any known East Asian culture. 
  • The mythology from Hawaii in the north to the Maoris in the south also speaks of a former continent with a former race unknown to science. 

While modern scientific theories have discredited most of these civilizations, the evidence and myths of their existence persist. It is important to note, there’s value in examining the factual data to understand their existence and impact on human history.

Concept of Extraterrestrial Beings Visiting Earth

The Anunnaki are a group of ancient deities from Mesopotamia with an unclear origin dating back to the Post-Akkadian period. They were believed to be the offspring of the god of the heavens (An) and the earth goddess (Ki), with their primary function being to decree the fates of mankind. The Anunnaki were known to be powerful, possessing extraordinary abilities and often depicted as being of tremendous physical size. They played a crucial role in the creation of humanity, according to ancient myths.

The Anunnaki brothers, Enki and Enlil, clashed over humanity’s destiny, with Enki attempting to make humans equal to the Anunnaki, while Enlil wanted them kept underdeveloped and enslaved. These conflicts between the two brothers and their competing visions of humanity resulted in the values of sin and the inferiority of women. By understanding the psychological impact of ancient gods on human history, we can shape our future, breaking free from imposed frameworks and steering our planetary destiny.

Mankind Made From Clay

There are many similarities found in different cultures and religions regarding the creation of humans from clay. Khnum, the ancient Egyptian god of creation, is said to have crafted humans out of clay and breathed life into them; similarly, in Incan mythology, Viracocha is said to have done the same thing. In Chinese mythology, Fuxi and Nuwa molded humans out of clay, and in the Bible’s book of Genesis, humans were formed from dust and breathed into life. 

These stories are all similar to the creation myth of the Anunnaki, who were said to have used a combination of clay and the gods’ bodily fluids. The similarities suggest that extraterrestrial beings may have had a role in the creation of humans. These similarities have also led some to speculate that there may have been one original religion that evolved into different forms as it spread around the world. While this theory is purely speculative, it is possible that ancient cultures shared ideas and concepts through trade, migration, and other forms of interaction.

The exact nature of the Annunakis and their involvement remains a mystery, it is interesting to note the similarities found across cultures and religions worldwide.

More Thought-Provoking Ideas

Some believe that the stories of gods and goddesses throughout history could be encounters with extraterrestrial beings based on the hypotheses below:

  • Ancient monuments, such as the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge, have also been considered evidence due to their advanced engineering and alignment with celestial bodies
  • Many religious artifacts and depictions of gods show them with features that could be interpreted as extraterrestrial beings, such as elongated skulls, large eyes, and unconventional clothing
  • The discovery of exoplanets and the possibility of intelligent life existing elsewhere in the universe has also been used as evidence to support the theory of gods being aliens
  • Research into ancient technologies and knowledge, such as the Antikythera Mechanism—an ancient Greek device that is believed to have been used to track celestial movements—suggests that the Greeks may have had advanced knowledge of machinery

Critics of these hypotheses argue that there is no concrete evidence to support these ideas; they suggest that ancient texts and artifacts can be interpreted in a variety of ways and that there are more conventional explanations for the construction of ancient monuments and depictions of gods. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, however, they continue to be popular among some believers. They argue that the idea offers a new perspective on ancient history and raises questions about the origins of human civilization.

Fall of Humanity

The story of the fall of humanity around the Annunaki, Soffihir, and Nemnir is a topic that has been explored in ancient Mesopotamian mythology and literature. The first gods on Earth were the Nemnir; they were the keepers of information and passed down their knowledge to the first humans. They were believed to have helped the first humans by teaching them how to tend crops, breed animals, build houses, and make tools. Their teachings allowed the first humans to thrive and create their civilization. 

Additionally, the Soffihir—or tree of life—played a significant role in helping the first humans. It was believed to have provided them with food, medicine, and shelter. The humans created were too intelligent and independent, however, and the Annunaki feared that they would overthrow the gods. To prevent this, the Annunaki took away some of the humans’ divine traits and abilities, resulting in our fall from grace. 

Edgar Cayce, a renowned 20th-century psychic, holistic healer, and medical clairvoyant, discovered his ability to enter a sleep-like state and put his mind in contact with the universal consciousness, the super-conscious mind. From this state, he could respond to a broad range of questions from diagnoses and treatments for illnesses to questions about the purpose of life and ancient mysteries. 

Cayce shared that humans are spirit beings that entered the physical plane for the purpose of growth and learning. He claimed that humans had become enamored with the game of separation and had lost touch with their spiritual selves.

We Are Never Alone

After the fall from grace caused by the Annunaki taking away humankind’s divine traits, the Arcturians, Orion, and Sirius stepped in to help. The Arcturians brought with them ancient wisdom and knowledge from long-forgotten civilizations, as well as powerful psychic and spiritual gifts. They were skilled at practical tasks and could bring harmony and balance to any situation. Meanwhile, the Orion and Sirius Starseeds, who are part of the old soul category, played a crucial role in initiating the awakening of all human beings. 

They came to Earth with the purpose of instilling a sense and expression of divine love while also acting as Earth’s record keepers, tracking its history way over the Earth’s known age. With their advanced intellectual and emotional traits, the Arcturian, Orion, and Sirius Starseeds were able to aid humankind in rebuilding a strong spiritual foundation, drawing on their love and wisdom to guide us towards a better future.

Theory of Evolution

There is compelling evidence to suggest that the human genome may have evolved in a non-linear fashion, rather than a simple progression from a group of small, rat-like creatures that lived about 145 million years ago to Homo sapiens. Researchers have identified a significant spike, or missing link in the evolutionary process, which is characterized by the sudden appearance of some notable features. These include a doubling in the size of the cranial cavity and brain, larger eyes, and the loss of body hair. It is possible that these changes did not occur as a result of natural adaptation, but rather through intervention that altered the course of evolution. 

Francis Crick, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, published a paper exploring this theory. Meanwhile, biophysicist and molecular biologist William Brown has identified specific genetic alterations that led to an increase in the size of the Homo sapiens cranial cavity. Their findings suggest that this sudden transformation may have been the result of gene splicing, which expedited the evolution process that would have otherwise occurred over a much longer period.

Making Sense of Ancient Texts

Ancient texts, such as the Bible, the Quran, and the Hindu Vedas describe events and characters that could be interpreted as evidence of extraterrestrial intervention. For example, the story of Ezekiel’s wheel in the Bible has been suggested as a possible account of a UAP sighting. Another such instance is the story of David and Goliath, where Goliath was described as a giant, towering over everyone else. 

In fact, there are multiple stories of giants throughout the Bible, which suggests that humankind went through different iterations where these beings existed. Additionally, the Greek legend of the giants of Sardinia and the Book of Elohim also mention powerful beings that could possibly be extraterrestrial. While it might be difficult to ascertain the validity of these claims, it is impossible to ignore the fact that multiple ancient texts celebrate the presence of beings that do not quite fit our definition of humans.

It is widely known that there are stories within ancient texts that depict gods as being violent, causing genocides, and displaying little to no compassion toward humanity. One such example is the story of Sodom and Gomora. These tales have been used by certain religions as fear-mongering tactics; however, this image of a vengeful and unforgiving God could be a result of bad translations of these ancient texts.

The order in which the creation takes place in the book of Genesis 1 seems to suggest that the Earth is created before the Sun, Moon, and stars, which are created on the fourth day. However, in Genesis 2, a more detailed account of the creation of humanity and the Garden of Eden is given, implying that Earth is at the center of God’s plan for creation. 

Paul Wallis, author of Escaping From Eden, inferred that in the Bible’s story of creation, the planet Earth is said to have already existed, but was covered with water. He believes that extraterrestrial beings came down from the heavens to terraform the planet. This visual memory has been passed on from culture to culture, with similar stories of gods descending from the skies. 

Ancient Texts With a Fresh Perspective

The Bible introduces the theme of technology and provides an explanation of what the beings arrived in; in particular, Moses and Ezekiel mention a Ruach/Kavod or a big heavy object when Yahweh meets with Moses at Mount Sinai. It is said that seeing the heavy thing would be fatal, and Moses was only allowed to see God’s goodness from behind. This can be thought of as a conventional translation, where the force of a space shuttle launch can be deadly. While different cultures describe visitations from gods, the Bible’s account of the heavy thing adds a unique touch.

Understanding the history of human civilization through mythology requires being open-minded and reading various myths in parallel to recognize similarities. According to one theory, terraforming beings are the creators of humanity, but they are not God in the traditional sense. These beings had their own motives, and their view of the world differed considerably from ours. This theory suggests that the gods in ancient texts were not a source of love, harmony, and order, but rather a source of chaos and confusion. It is essential to understand that these ideas come from ancient civilizations, and the concept of God and mythology has evolved throughout history. 

Therefore, reading various texts and myths with an open mind is the key to understanding our history and different perspectives. This approach can help uncover hidden truths that can shed light on the origins of human civilization.

Skepticism and Criticism From the Scientific Community

The scientific community is known for its skepticism and criticism; many scientists argue that there is simply no evidence to support claims of divine beings. While there are many stories throughout history about gods who descended from the heavens, most scientists believe that these stories are simply myths created by ancient civilizations to explain the world around them. 

Additionally, many are quick to point out that there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that life on Earth was created by extraterrestrial beings. While there are certainly those who believe that the gods were extraterrestrial beings, most within the scientific community remain skeptical of such claims and continue to demand solid evidence to support them.


Perspectivism, a philosophical approach championed by Friedrich Nietzsche, emphasizes the importance of understanding and combining different perspectives to expand our comprehension of the universe we live in. However, it is unfortunate that people discussing such concepts are often labelled as “crazy” or “insane,” as exemplified by the quote “Those that were seen dancing were called insane by those who couldn’t hear the music.” 

Ultimately, rather than ridiculing those who think differently, a more fruitful approach would be to embrace their viewpoint and seek to understand it to gain greater insight. This concludes our exploration of the fascinating theory of ancient astronauts. Of course, this is just one among many theories, but it certainly raises some thought-provoking questions. 

What do you think? Do you believe that gods could be extraterrestrial beings? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring. 

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