
Are You Part of a Cult Without Even Realizing It?

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Cults: they exist all around us, but they aren’t always easy to identify. Contrary to popular belief, cults aren’t limited to individuals in robes or living in isolated communes; in fact, most cult members are completely oblivious to their involvement. So, what exactly constitutes a cult, and how can you recognize if you’re unknowingly a part of one? 

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the characteristics and signs of cult involvement, shedding light on this often misunderstood phenomenon. It’s time to take a closer look and ensure you’re not unwittingly caught in the grip of a destructive cult!

What is a Cult?

A cult is a group or community—usually led by a charismatic individual—whose beliefs and practices deviate significantly from mainstream society. Cults often manipulate and control their members through psychological and social means; some signs and characteristics of a cult include:

Charismatic Leader

Cults are often centered around a charismatic leader who holds absolute authority. These leaders possess strong persuasive skills and use their influence to foster dependency and blind loyalty.

Mind Control Techniques

Cults employ various mind control techniques to manipulate their followers. Examples include forced sleep deprivation, repetitive indoctrination sessions, and tactics that exploit vulnerabilities and insecurities.

Absolute Belief System

Cults often present a rigid and dogmatic belief system that leaves no room for questioning or dissenting opinions.

Financial Exploitation

Cults are notorious for exploiting their members financially; they often require significant financial contributions, promising spiritual rewards or salvation in return. Unreasonable demands for money or possessions are clear indicators of a potentially harmful cult.

Devotion and Obedience

Cult members are expected to demonstrate unwavering devotion and blind obedience to the group’s ideology and their leader’s directives. Independent thinking or questioning of the group’s beliefs is typically discouraged or punished.

Extreme Use of Manipulation

Cults use manipulation tactics to control and influence their members’ thoughts and emotions. This manipulation can manifest in the form of excessive praise and affection, fear tactics, and guilt-inducing methods

Alienation from Society

Cults often cultivate a feeling of superiority among their members, portraying the outside world as corrupt, evil, or inferior. Members are made to believe that the cult is the only source of truth and salvation, further isolating them from their original social circles.

Breakdown of Personal Autonomy

One of the most alarming characteristics of cults is the erosion of personal autonomy. Members gradually lose their ability to make decisions independently, becoming profoundly reliant on the cult leader and the group’s doctrines.

Psychological Manipulation

Cults have been known to exhibit a range of manipulative techniques to control and influence their members. These psychological tactics can be deeply impactful and often exploit an individual’s vulnerability and desire for belonging. Here are some alarming ways in which cults manipulate the minds of their followers:

Love Bombing

Cults often use a technique called “love bombing” to overwhelm potential recruits with excessive displays of affection, praise, and attention. By showering individuals with constant positive reinforcement, affection, and flattery, cults create a sense of dependency and exploit the basic human need for validation. This psychological conditioning can make it incredibly challenging for members to leave the cult.

Fear and Guilt

Cult leaders exploit fear and guilt to manipulate their members’ emotions; they instill a sense of impending doom or catastrophic consequences if members disobey or question the teachings of the cult. Cults often use techniques such as public shaming, humiliation, or threats to ensure compliance from their followers. These fear-based tactics reinforce feelings of guilt and control, making it difficult for members to break free.

Thought Reform Techniques

Cults rely on various thought reform techniques—often referred to as brainwashing—to reshape the individual’s beliefs and identity. These techniques include manipulation of information, thought-stopping techniques, and repetitive rituals or practices designed to break down critical thinking and encourage conformity. Cult leaders create an environment where dissent is discouraged and unquestioning obedience is rewarded.

Dependency and Identity Stripping

Cults systematically strip members of their individuality and autonomy, often by enforcing strict rules and regulations. These rules can govern aspects of daily life such as personal choices, appearance, and even communication with outsiders. By removing personal agency and replacing it with dependency on the cult, the leaders exert control over every aspect of a member’s life; this psychological manipulation often leads to a loss of personal identity and a deepened sense of loyalty to the cult

Modern Age Cults

Cult practices encompass a wide range of beliefs and rituals that are followed by devoted followers. While some cults have gained notoriety for their extremist ideologies or harmful practices, others are less known but still distinct in their nature. Here, we delve into some of the cult practices in the modern age that have made an impact on society:


Founded in the 1950s by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology developed into a highly controversial religious movement. Its practices involve intensive therapy sessions known as “auditing,” as well as the pursuit of self-improvement through courses and stages of spiritual enlightenment.

Heaven's Gate

Perhaps one of the most infamous cults of the modern era, Heaven’s Gate garnered attention when it ended in a mass suicide in 1997. Fueled by a belief in extraterrestrial life and an impending apocalypse, their practices involved strict adherence to a set of spiritual teachings and the renunciation of worldly possessions.

The Order of the Solar Temple

This secretive cult, founded in the 1980s, blended elements of Christianity, New Age philosophy, and UFO beliefs. Notorious for a series of mass suicides in Switzerland, Canada, and France, they believed that death was a passage to an enlightened afterlife on another planet.


Initially presented as a self-help organization, NXIVM turned out to be a manipulative cult centered around its leader, Keith Raniere. Followers were subjected to branding, strict dietary restrictions, and psychological manipulation. The group’s practices exploited participants in various fields, including business and personal relationships.

Aum Shinrikyo

Originating in Japan, Aum Shinrikyo gained global notoriety when it carried out the deadly Tokyo subway sarin gas attack in 1995. Led by Shoko Asahara, the cult blended elements of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity, mixed with a doomsday prophecy centered around nuclear war and Armageddon.

Flat Earth Society

Though not traditionally considered a cult, the Flat Earth Society has gained significant attention in the era of social media. Followers reject scientific evidence and believe the Earth is flat, adhering to conspiratorial beliefs about space exploration and gravity.

Common Online Cult Practices

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives, offering a platform for connection, information, and entertainment. However, with the rise of the online world, certain cult practices have emerged that capture people’s attention and devotion. Let’s explore some of the common cult practices that have emerged in the Internet era:

Influencer Cults

The influence of social media has given rise to individuals who amass a massive following. Some of these “influencers” create a sense of exclusivity and loyalty among their followers, forming their own cult-like communities.

Fandom Cults

Fans of celebrities, TV shows, movies, or bands can form dedicated online communities. These cult-like groups develop their own beliefs, rituals, and insider language, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie.

Online Gaming Cults

In the world of online gaming, players often join clans or guilds. These groups foster a tight-knit community, with their own rules, traditions, and dedicated members. Loyalty and commitment are highly valued within these gaming cults.

Crypto Cults

Within the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, cult-like communities have emerged. These groups strongly advocate for their preferred cryptocurrency or blockchain project, often seeing their involvement as part of a larger movement or mission.

Self-improvement Cults

The internet is filled with self-proclaimed gurus who promise to unlock the secret to success and happiness. Some individuals become drawn to these charismatic figures, incorporating their teachings and practices into their daily lives.

Conspiracy Cults

In the age of information, conspiracy theories abound. Some online communities form around a shared belief in alternative explanations for major events or ideas. These cult-like groups often reinforce each other’s beliefs and resist opposing viewpoints.

Self-Reflection and Introspection

If your group exhibits any of the above listed characteristics of a cult, it is crucial to take a step back and reassess your involvement; cults can have a detrimental impact on us emotionally and mentally, often leading to manipulation, isolation, and dependency. It is important to seek support from trusted friends and family who can provide an outside perspective and objective advice. Remember: you deserve to be a part of a community that encourages personal growth, critical thinking, and respect for individual autonomy.

Recognizing the Need to Leave

Leaving a cult can be an incredibly challenging and complex process; it may require immense courage, strength, and a carefully thought-out exit strategy. If you or someone you know is seeking to break free from the grip of a cult, here are some essential exit strategies to assist in successfully navigating the path to freedom:

Educate Yourself

The first step on your journey towards liberation is to arm yourself with knowledge; learn about cult dynamics, mind control techniques, and the experiences of former cult members. Understanding how cults operate will empower you to see through their manipulations and make informed decisions about your future.

Seek Professional Support

Leaving a cult is an emotionally and psychologically overwhelming experience. It is crucial to seek professional help from therapists, counselors, or support groups specializing in cult recovery. These experts can provide valuable guidance, understanding, and tools to help you heal and rebuild your life.

Build a Support Network

Breaking away from a cult often means leaving behind friends and loved ones who remain loyal to the group. Create a strong support network of individuals who have gone through similar experiences, such as ex-cult members or support groups. Surround yourself with people who understand your journey, and who can offer emotional support, validation, and reassurance along the way.

Plan Your Exit Strategically

Leaving a cult requires careful planning to ensure your safety and minimize the risk of being tracked down or manipulated. Develop a detailed exit strategy including considerations such as securing financial resources, finding a safe place to stay, and establishing a clear communication plan with trusted individuals who can assist you during the transition.

Seek Legal Advice

Consult with a lawyer who specializes in cult-related cases to understand your legal rights and possible repercussions. Cults often employ various tactics to intimidate or harass individuals who leave, and it is crucial to have a legal advocate who can guide you through the process and protect your interests.

Focus on Personal Healing

After leaving a cult, healing and re-establishing your identity become paramount. Engage in self-care practices such as therapy, meditation, journaling, or participating in support groups; explore new interests or hobbies that enhance your self-awareness and promote personal growth. Cultivate self-compassion as you embark on a journey of rediscovering and rebuilding a healthy sense of self.

Create a New Life

Moving forward, it’s essential to build a new life that aligns with your authentic self. Set new goals, explore different beliefs, and surround yourself with positive influences. Cultivate healthy relationships, pursue further education or career opportunities, and embrace the freedom to live life on your terms.

Cult in Culture

Following any kind of trend—whether it be in fashion, belief systems, or music—can sometimes take on the characteristics of a cult if the sole motivation behind it is to belong or be accepted by a certain group. In such cases, we may blindly adhere to the trends without considering our preferences or critically evaluating our choices. This can lead to a cult-like mentality where the desire for acceptance overrides independent thinking and individual expression. It is important to remember that true authenticity lies in embracing one’s unique tastes and beliefs, rather than conforming solely for the sake of fitting in.

When we become so entrenched in our belief systems that we are unwilling to adapt to the changing times and discriminate against those who hold different opinions, we can adopt a cult-like mentality from this as well. This closed-off state prevents us from engaging in open dialogue and considering alternative perspectives. It is essential to remain open-minded and respectful of others’ opinions to foster a healthy and inclusive society; flexibility of thought allows for personal growth, new insights, and the possibility of positive change. Embracing diversity of ideas enables us to progress collectively, promoting harmony and understanding.

Everything is Love or a Cry for Love

Even seemingly admirable things—such as loyalty to one’s country, having children, or having puppies—can sometimes become misguided avenues in our search for Love/God; believing that these external factors alone can lead us to the Divine can be misleading. The concept that “I am is the way” proposes that the true path to God lies in the realization that the Divine exists within each of us. There is no need to join a group or rely on external factors to connect with the Divine, but rather it is about finding the inner truth and understanding that our being is the ultimate connection to God.


It is important to note that while some cult practices can bring us together and provide a sense of belonging, others may exploit vulnerable individuals or promote harmful beliefs. As with any community, it’s essential to approach these groups critically and be aware of our boundaries. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this thought-provoking article; we hope it has shed some light on the topic and provided you with valuable insights. Remember, self-awareness is key to avoid falling into the trap of cult mentality. Together, let’s continue on our journey of personal growth and empowerment!

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