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Have you ever wondered why some spell Christmas as Xmas? Is it an attempt to remove Christ from the holiday, or is there a hidden meaning behind the X? In this blog post, we’ll explore the shocking secret behind why some spell Christmas as Xmas and its fascinating history. Get ready to be surprised!
History of Christmas and Its Name
The word “Christ” is derived from the Greek word “christos,” which means “anointed one.” Christians believe that Jesus was sent to teach people about Divine love, heal the sick, perform miracles, and ultimately to die on the cross. So in essence, Christ means “the savior” or “the messiah,” a term which continues to hold great significance in the Christian faith as a symbol of hope and redemption.
Christmas is an annual celebration by Christians around the world marking the birth of Jesus Christ; the name “Christmas” comes from the Old English “Christes Maesse,” which means “Christ’s Mass.” It originated from the Roman festival Saturnalia, which was held in December as a means of celebrating the winter solstice. The early Christians, looking for a way to attract more converts, decided to adopt the date and name of the existing festival, making it a Christian holiday.
The letter X may seem like a simple symbol at first glance, but it holds a profound spiritual significance. Known as the Greek letter “Chi,” X is closely associated with Christ himself. By combining Chi with the Greek letter “Rho,” the symbol known as chi-rho is formed, which represents the presence of Christ. From early Christianity to present times, the chi-rho symbol has been widely used and adorned in religious artwork and places of worship.

The letter X is a representation of us, humans, and our experiences. Whether it’s a work of art or technology, X embodies the ingenuity, creativity, and innovation that make us unique. It is a testament to our ability to imagine, design, and create something out of nothing.
X also reflects our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. It can evoke feelings of joy, wonder, and curiosity, or sadness, anger, and frustration. X is a mirror that reflects our individual and collective identity, values, and aspirations. Ultimately, X is a reminder of our potential to make a difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
Medieval Times
In handwritten texts, the use of the letter “X” has a longstanding tradition of representing a signature or mark of approval. In medieval times, when many people were illiterate, they would sign their name with an “X” and then kiss the mark to show their sincerity. This practice has evolved into today’s popular abbreviation of Christmas as Xmas.
Printing Press
In the printing industry, the use of abbreviations is particularly convenient when space is limited, such as in newspaper headlines or advertisements. This is especially true during the holiday season, where the use of “Xmas” instead of “Christmas” saves valuable space in print materials.
Controversies Surrounding the Use of Xmas
Despite its widespread use, there are still some individuals who argue that the abbreviation “Xmas” is disrespectful and should be avoided; they view it as a symbol of the commercialization of Christmas and a disregard for the holiday’s religious significance. These individuals argue that using “Xmas” instead of “Christmas” takes away from the true meaning of the holiday, which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ for Christians. As a result, they advocate for the continued use of “Christmas” as the preferred term for the holiday and discourage the use of the abbreviation “Xmas” altogether.
True Essence of Xmas
Christmas is a special time of the year where we are reminded to reflect on our lives and awaken the Christ consciousness within us. It is a time of joy, peace and love, where we come together with family and friends to celebrate and spread positivity. This holiday season encourages us to embody the spirit of giving, forgive and forget past misunderstandings, and share our blessings with others. It is a time to share the presence of love (not just presents) with everyone around us.
In the old Christmas story, it is believed that Jesus was born to be the savior. However, Christmas is not only about Jesus, but also about reminding us of the power within ourselves. It teaches us that we can be our own heroes and rescue ourselves from any situation; all we require is focus, determination, and a little bit of faith in our Divine selves. Xmas therefore serves as a reminder to nurture our inner strength and to hold faith in our ability to overcome any challenge.
No one is coming to save us, neither a government nor a deity. We hold the power to save ourselves. We are our own saviors; we are the Christ that we seek. While searching for external solutions, we often overlook ourselves, forgetting that we are the only ones who can bring lasting change. We have the ability to create our own world of peace and prosperity; it’s time to awaken the savior within and take charge of our destiny. We don’t have to wait for someone else to come and rescue us.
Whether it’s Xmas or Christmas, what matters most is the spirit of the season and the joy it brings to people all around the world; The name is ultimately a matter of personal preference. As long as the true meaning of Christmas is celebrated and remembered, the holiday can be enjoyed by all. May this season of peace bring us closer to one another and inspire us to be our “X” selves!
That’s all for now, folks! I hope you enjoyed discovering the surprising reason behind why some people spell Christmas as Xmas—and maybe even learned something new. Happy holidays!