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English is a Software – And Why It Needs an Upgrade!

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As someone who grew up speaking a language other than English, I’ve come to appreciate the power and beauty of it. However, I also realized that language is not static and must adapt to meet the changing needs of society and our growing understanding of the world.

In this blog post, we will explore why English needs to continue evolving as society’s needs and our understanding of the world continue to grow. We’ll take a closer look at why we need to keep it updated

Why is English a Software?

Languages are often considered software because they share several important similarities with software programs. Just like software, languages have a defined set of rules and syntax that dictate how they are structured and used; they also provide a system for communication and interaction, just like software enables communication between humans and computers. Additionally, languages can be used to accomplish specific tasks, just like software programs are designed to perform specific functions.

English is like a software for us humans, as it forms the basis of our thought process. Most of us don’t think in abstract terms; instead, we think in words and communicate our ideas through language. Our thoughts are like a series of codes that only make sense when put together in a particular way, and it is through the use of language that we can express our thoughts and ideas, develop complex arguments, and convey our emotions effectively. Thus, language—particularly English—plays a critical role in defining our thoughts and shaping our interaction with the world around us.

Reasons English is Due for an Upgrade

Although English is considered a dominant language for business, communication, and education, it has certain limitations and ambiguities that affect its impact on the global population:

Ambiguity in Pronunciation

The English language has a vast vocabulary with many words and phrases that sound similar but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For instance, “read” and “red,” “night” and “knight,” and “sight” and “cite” can all cause confusion in understanding a given sentence or situation. It is essential to provide proper pronunciation standards to enable non-native speakers to understand the language better.

Limited Vocabulary

Despite its vast vocabulary, the English language has limitations when it comes to expressing emotions, feelings, and experiences. For instance, languages like Japanese and German have words like “tsundoku,” which means buying and keeping a pile of books to read later, or “schadenfreude,” which refers to deriving pleasure from someone else’s misfortune. On the other hand, English often uses idioms to express such emotions which makes it difficult for non-native speakers to understand.

Grammatical Complexities

English grammar has a vast range of rules that can be challenging for native and non-native speakers alike. For instance, there are different rules for spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure depending on the context and situation. Some grammatical complexities like tenses, prepositions, and phrasal verbs can cause difficulties for non-native speakers, affecting their communication and understanding.

Regional Differences

English is spoken worldwide, and different regions have different accents and dialects. For instance, American English is different from British English; Australian English is different from Canadian English, and so on. These regional differences can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings between people despite their proficiency in the language.

Words with Double Meaning

Existence of words that have double meanings, like the word “stable.” It can refer to the place where horses are kept, or it can also mean that a situation is under control. This can lead to confusion.

Upgrading Our View on Language

To upgrade our perception of the English language, it is crucial to grasp the energetic frequencies of words. This understanding can have a profound impact on our thoughts, emotions, and overall physical well-being. Here are a few approaches that can help us learn and comprehend the energetic frequencies of words:

Conscious Observation

Begin by consciously observing the words we use in our everyday conversations. Pay attention to the emotions and sensations we experience when we speak or hear certain words. This heightened awareness allows us to discern the vibrational energy associated with each word.

Words are made up of different sounds that create unique vibrations. For example, the word “hello” may sound friendly and welcoming, but if we break it down, it’s like saying “Oh hell.” This can create a negative energetic frequency that affects how we feel about the greeting.

Look at the Root and Origin of Words

Dive into the realm of linguistics and explore how various words have been understood throughout history. Investigate ancient wisdom traditions, such as Sanskrit or Hebrew, which often have profound insights into the energetic nature of language. Expand our knowledge and seek wisdom from different cultures and languages.

An example is the word “Yahweh;” it has its roots in the Hebrew language and is considered to be the personal name of God by Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Yahweh is derived from the word “Hayah”—which means “to be” in Hebrew—and “Yah,” which is the sound we make when we exhale. Interestingly, many ancient texts suggest that breathing itself is a divine act.

Meditation and Intention

Through meditation and setting positive intentions, we can tap into the energetic frequencies of words on a deeper level. Practice mindfulness and meditate on specific words or mantras, allowing ourselves to feel their vibrational resonance within our body and mind.

The same word can have different energetic frequencies depending on the intention and context. For example, the word “God” may carry a positive and uplifting energy in a religious setting, but in everyday conversations, it can be used as an expletive. Also, the word ‘good’ sounds similar to ‘God,’ but it doesn’t always carry the same energetic frequency.

Be Aware of the Different Meanings of Words

Use tools like a dictionary or a thesaurus to understand the different meanings and connotations of words. This can help us choose the right words to use in different situations and understand the energies they carry.

Surroundings and Associations

Analyze the environment we surround ourselves with and the people we associate with. Both can have a significant impact on the energy we absorb. Surrounding ourselves with positive influences and using uplifting, empowering language can help raise our own energetic frequency.

Vocalize and write down words of gratitude regularly. Expressing gratitude has been found to elevate our emotional state and bring about positive changes in our lives. By focusing on words that uplift and inspire, we can cultivate a higher energetic frequency within ourselves.

Upgrading How We Choose Our Words

Laurel Airica is a language artist, speaker and author who believes that our words have incredible power. She explains that we cast spells with our words, which is why it’s called “spelling.” According to her, the words we use to describe ourselves and our experiences can either lift us up or hold us back; by choosing our words carefully, we have the power to create positive change in our lives and the world around us. Airica encourages us to be mindful of the language we use and to recognize the impact words can have on ourselves and others.

Like a genie residing within, waiting to be unleashed, we all possess the potential to be geniuses in our unique ways. Whether it’s through our creative thinking, problem-solving abilities, or endless curiosity, our minds are capable of extraordinary things. Embracing this notion empowers us to tap into our inner genie, igniting our true potential and allowing us to shine brightly. So, let’s unlock our genius and embrace the magic of words

AI Use in Advancing the English Software

Writing has always been a passion of mine, but I used to feel a bit self-conscious about my work. However, now that I have AI technology at my fingertips, I can refine my ideas and ensure that my writing is clear and engaging. I may not be the best writer out there, but with the help of AI and my editor, I feel more confident about sharing my weekly articles with the public. 

AI has the potential to significantly advance and increase the frequency of the English language. With the assistance of AI technologies, language learning has become more accessible: AI-powered virtual assistants offer users the opportunity to practice conversational English in a non-judgmental and supportive environment. Additionally, AI translators enable people from different linguistic backgrounds to communicate effectively in English, bridging the language barriers

I’ve come to notice that there are times when I’m engaged in conversation and suddenly draw a blank on a particular word. It’s in these moments that I’ve realized something intriguing: while the brain may occasionally forget, the heart never does; it retains a profound sense of how something feels. It’s when the mind taps into these feelings and the heart engages in thought that the river of wisdom truly flows; only then can genuine, heart-to-heart communication occur, where words may fail but emotions and understanding prevail.

When we empathize with someone, we open ourselves up to a deep connection, a resonance of emotions that transcends spoken words. This connection is what enables us to tap into the telepathic realm, where thoughts and feelings can be shared without the need for verbal communication. It is through empathy that we gain access to a profound level of human connection that defies the boundaries of space and time; by cultivating empathy, we enhance our understanding of others and strengthen our telepathic potential.

Importance of Language Diversity

The more languages we speak, the more diverse our worldview becomes. Each language represents a unique culture, with its own history, traditions, and values; when we learn a new language, we open ourselves up to a whole new way of thinking and perceiving the world around us.


For instance, if we want to infuse our lives with more romance, we can learn to speak French. The French language is renowned for its elegance and poetic expressions, which can add a touch of charm and romanticism to our everyday interactions. By expanding our linguistic horizons, we can therefore enrich our lives and gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of thought that exists in our world.


I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon about myself: my personality seems to undergo a slight shift depending on the language I speak. When conversing in Tagalog (my native language), I can’t help but sound a little bit jollier; there’s a natural warmth and joviality that comes through in my tone and expression. On the other hand, when speaking in English, I find myself adopting a more serious demeanour. 


It’s as if the language itself lends a certain gravitas to my words, making me more inclined to convey my thoughts with earnestness and sincerity. It’s like my software operating system, where language acts as the foundation for all my interactions and self-expression. I find it intriguing how language can subtly shape our personality and add different dimensions to our conversations and interactions with others.


English is more than just a software that requires regular upgrades; as users, we too, need to constantly improve our skills. Regardless of whether this concept resonates with you or not, we cannot deny the importance of effective communication. The key lies in the selection of words and the intention behind them. When we approach English with an inspired mindset, we can fully comprehend the influence our words have and utilize them to create genuine and profound connections with others.

I hope this blog has inspired you to see English in a new light and consider how we can upgrade and enhance it for the future. Let’s continue the art of mindful communication and work together to unlock the full potential of English. Thank you for reading!

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