a family holding hand in saying a prayer

Why Everything Is Secretly a Prayer

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Every word we speak and every thought we have can be a form of prayer. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of seeing everything as prayer and how this perspective can transform our relationship with the Universe.

Prayer Isn’t Just for the Religious

Prayer is often seen as a religious practice, typically associated with a particular place, time, or ritual. However, it is important to recognize that prayer extends beyond its traditional boundaries: while it can involve communicating with the Divine, it can also serve as a means of communication with ourselves. 

Any kind of communication can be a form of prayer–whether we are speaking our thoughts aloud, journaling our emotions, or engaging in a heartfelt conversation with a loved one. Through prayer, we not only seek guidance and solace from a higher power, but we also discover inner truths and find peace within ourselves.

Relationship of Chakras and Prayer

Our bodies are often referred to as temples—sacred spaces that house our souls. Within this temple, our heart serves as the altar—a place of devotion and deep connection. It is here that we can nurture our spiritual essence and experience the Divine presence within us, as our body is a sacred space, a vessel for love and compassion, and a gateway to the kingdom of heaven that resides within.

The phrase, “Look up to the heavens and pray” refers to the act of connecting with a higher power or seeking divine guidance. This expression implies that we should direct our attention towards the upper three chakras: crown, third eye and throat, which are believed to be associated with spiritual awareness and connection. 

The lower chakras: heart, solar plexus, sacral and root, on the other hand, are associated with earthly desires and physicality. By looking upwards and focusing on the higher chakras, we can engage in a prayerful state that transcends the concerns of the material world.

Everything We Need is Within

The best prayers are not always when we’re looking up or seeking divine intervention, but rather when we are taking a moment to look within ourselves. In our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up in seeking external solutions and guidance; however, true wisdom and clarity often come from introspection and self-reflection. When we pause to connect with our inner selves, we can find the strength, guidance, and peace we seek.

This quiet introspection allows us to tap into our higher consciousness and align ourselves with our purpose and values. Ultimately, through prayer that stems from within, we discover a deeper connection with ourselves and the universal energy that surrounds us.

Who’s Doing the Praying?

In the realm of spirituality, there are three distinct levels of the mind: Divine mind, soul mind, and the human mind (brain). At the core of this belief is the understanding that when engaging in acts of prayer, it is the human mind that takes charge, seeking to establish a connection with the Divine mind through the conduit of the soul. 

This connection between the various levels of the mind is seen as a way to align our physical being with higher spiritual truths and tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. By recognizing and honoring the intricate interplay between these different levels of the mind, we can enhance our spiritual journey and foster a greater sense of connection with the Divine.

Types of Prayers

While prayers can take countless forms, there are some general categories that prayers often fall into:

Expressive Prayers

Expressive prayers are heartfelt expressions of our deepest emotions, desires, and struggles, an avenue to pour out our feelings to a higher power and seek solace, support, and guidance. Such prayers often involve intense personal reflection, journaling, or artistic expression. Through expressive prayers, we can find comfort and release for our innermost thoughts and worries.

Intercessory Prayers

Intercessory prayers are a selfless act of seeking blessings, peace, and guidance for others. It is worth noting that what we see in our reality is a direct reflection of our own beliefs and perceptions; in this context, there is no “other” separate from ourselves. 

When a family member falls ill, it is essential to recognize that it may be a manifestation of a part within us that requires healing. Instead of perceiving it as solely an external problem, we must understand that this illness is being expressed through a loved one. In interceding for the well-being of “others,” we are taking responsibility for the part we play in what is being manifested around us.

Gratitude Prayers

Gratitude prayers are a beautiful way to express thanks for the things in our lives that have brought us love and joy. Whether it be a person, a situation, or even a simple moment of happiness, prayers of gratitude allow us to acknowledge and celebrate blessings. With a heart full of appreciation we give voice to our gratitude, recognizing the positive impact these sources of love have had on our lives.

Ritualistic Prayers

Ritualistic prayers are ingrained in cultural and religious traditions; they typically follow specific formats, words, or gestures and are often performed collectively. These prayers provide a sense of unity, continuity, and sacredness within communities and hold great importance in upholding faith-based practices. Examples of ritualistic prayers include hymns, chants, mantras, and prescribed prayers performed during religious ceremonies or rites of passage. 

When we engage in ritualistic prayers without consciousness or genuine intention, the act itself loses its inherent meaning. If it is done mechanically or without any real thought or devotion, it becomes a mere set of empty motions.

Meditative Prayers

Meditation is more than just a mental exercise or picturing images in the mind; it is a practice that aims to connect with our spiritual essence. Meditative prayers involve quiet contemplation and the intentional focus of the “human mind” on the Divine. If we’re not anchored with God during meditation, it can simply be regarded as visualization rather than true meditation. 

Best Way to Pray

In times of difficulty and turmoil, it is common for us to turn to a higher power for help and guidance. However, rather than solely praying to remove us from a messy situation, it may be more beneficial for us to seek Divine presence and support as we navigate through it. By asking God to stay with us during challenging times, we acknowledge that there are things that are beyond our control.

This change in perspective empowers us to embrace our inner Divine essence and truly learn from life’s important lessons. Instead of avoiding challenges and seeking an easy way out, this outlook encourages us to invite a higher power to walk alongside us. By doing so, we can tap into an unwavering love and grace that will empower us throughout our journey. It is through this mindset that we can grow and evolve, transforming obstacles into opportunities for personal growth and enlightenment.

Some in the new age community believe that the power of positive thinking alone can bring about success, good health, and abundance. While positive thinking certainly has its advantages, others argue that it is primarily driven by our ego. They contend that when we rely solely on our human minds, we may not achieve the desired outcome in the long run. Although positive thinking can help us reach certain goals, it does not guarantee that these results are always in our best interest.

Prayer, on the other hand, can be viewed as an act of humility; it involves letting go of our ego and recognizing our reliance on a higher power. Through prayer, we acknowledge that our efforts alone may not be enough and that we need the guidance and support of something greater than ourselves. By engaging in prayer, we are demonstrating our willingness to tap into the Divine wisdom.

Everything is Sacred

In order to truly embrace the power of prayer, we must cultivate a deep understanding of the sacredness that exists in everything. It is essential to recognize that each moment, person, and experience carries a Divine presence that should be revered and treated with utmost respect. One can argue that pain or suffering isn’t sacred; we need to understand that “Everything is love” or “a cry for love.” This perspective empowers us to become living testaments of prayer, embodying its wisdom and grace.

By offering comfort, support, and kindness, we can become the answer to someone’s prayers. This act of selflessness and compassion not only benefits others, but also enriches our spiritual journey.


There is an underlying prayer aspect in our everyday actions, thoughts, and words; whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our choices and decisions reflect our values, beliefs, and aspirations. Thus, everything we do becomes a silent form of communication with the Divine or the Universe, expressing our deepest longings and seeking guidance and support. In this sense, life itself becomes a continuous conversation, and every moment holds the potential for a subtle prayer to be whispered into the cosmos..

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of the power of prayer in everyday life; we hope it has resonated with you and offered new perspectives. Keep embracing the moments of connection and practicing gratitude in your everyday life. Until next time, may your heart be filled with gratitude and may your prayers be answered!

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