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The Secret to Seeing the Good in Every Person You Meet

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Namaste! In a world where negativity can easily outweigh positivity, there is a secret waiting to be unveiled: the power of seeing the good in every person you meet. By focusing on the good intentions and innate desire for happiness in others, we can cultivate a mindset of appreciation and gratitude. So join us as we explore practical tips to shift your perception and foster genuine connections with those around you.

What it Means to See the Good in Every Person

Seeing the good in every person is about recognizing the positive qualities and attributes that exist within individuals, regardless of their flaws or mistakes. It involves having an open mind, focusing on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Seeing the good in every person allows for the belief in the inherent goodness of humanity and the potential for personal growth and change; embracing this perspective can lead to a more harmonious and interconnected world where kindness and positivity prevail.

Positive perception plays a crucial role in nurturing and sustaining healthy relationships: when we hold optimistic views about our partners, it fosters trust, intimacy, and communication. This optimistic outlook can lead to a cycle of positivity, where each partner’s strengths are magnified, and their flaws are approached with understanding and patience. Ultimately, a positive perception can create a supportive and harmonious environment that strengthens the bond.

Practicing Empathy

Empathy plays a crucial role in helping us see the good in others by enabling us to understand their perspectives and emotions. For instance, when a coworker takes a long time to respond to an email, instead of assuming they are ignoring us, empathy allows us to consider alternative reasons, such as being overwhelmed with tasks or facing personal challenges. By putting yourself in their shoes and considering their circumstances, empathy allows us to give them the benefit of the doubt and see the situation from a more compassionate and understanding viewpoint.

In our journey through life, our ego-based personalities tend to habitually judge everyone and everything around us. However, we need to transcend this predisposition and elevate ourselves to a more  spiritual mindset. By embracing the perspective of the Divine, we can begin to see the world and others through a lens of compassion and understanding. 

It is essential to recognize that each of us carries a divine spark within, inviting us to approach every interaction with kindness. Let us strive to perceive the world through the eyes of the Divine, embracing the inherent goodness in each being we encounter.

Finding Common Ground

Finding the good in others means bridging connections through recognizing similarities; it involves seeking common ground and finding moments when we can say “Me, too!” during a conversation. By focusing on shared experiences or feelings, bonds are deepened and understanding is enhanced. Even when initial commonalities aren’t apparent, acknowledging our shared humanity reminds us that, at the core, we are all fundamentally alike.

One of the key ways to build connections through shared experiences is to engage in activities that foster teamwork and collaboration. This could include volunteering together, joining a class or club, or even simply sharing a meal. By participating in these experiences together, we can bond over common goals and interests, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie.

Communicating Positively

Engaging in small talk has never come naturally to me, but I make an effort to greet others with a friendly smile. One observation I’ve made is that when starting conversations with strangers, we often tend to highlight negative aspects, like the weather being unpleasant. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to shift the focus to something positive instead? 

For instance, acknowledge someone’s preparedness with an umbrella on a rainy day by saying, “Oh, wow! Lucky you have an umbrella to stay dry!” Small changes in our conversational approach can make interactions more uplifting and meaningful.

Embracing Differences

When encountering a situation where another person expresses a differing viewpoint, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind. Rather than dismissing their opinion outright, it’s advisable to ask thoughtful questions to gain a deeper understanding of their perspective. By engaging in a respectful dialogue and seeking clarity, we can enhance communication and promote mutual understanding.

This is especially true in a diverse and interconnected world. It is essential to embrace the differences among friends, including variations in political, religious, and socioeconomic beliefs. By acknowledging and accepting these variations, we can appreciate the unique qualities and perspectives that each person brings to the table. True connection transcends these differences, as it is founded on mutual respect.

Remember, it’s perfectly acceptable to agree to disagree peacefully, as acknowledging and respecting differing opinions is a sign of maturity and tolerance. Embracing diversity in opinions and beliefs can lead to a broader understanding of the world around us.

Expectation vs. Reality

There are times when we expect goodness and kindness from someone, only to be let down in the end. Despite genuinely seeing the good in them, their ego can hinder them from reciprocating the same level of kindness. This experience serves as a reminder that while it is important to see the good in others, it is equally crucial to acknowledge and accept the limitations of ego-based behaviors that could stand in the way.

Benefits of Expecting the Best from People

Reduces Anxiety

Expecting the good from everyone can significantly reduce anxiety levels by fostering a positive outlook on interactions and relationships. By approaching encounters with optimism and trust, we are less likely to dwell on negative outcomes or potential conflicts. This mindset shift helps create a harmonious environment.

Positive Relationships

When anticipating the worst from others, there is often a self-fulfilling prophecy at play; thus, it is far more beneficial to approach situations with a mindset of expecting the best from everyone. By doing so, we cultivate a positive atmosphere that often leads to better outcomes and healthier relationships.

Improved Communication

When we expect the best from people, we are more likely to communicate openly and honestly with them. This creates a healthy environment for sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

Boosted Self-Esteem

Having good expectations of others also reflects your own self-belief. By believing in the best in people, you are also affirming your own worth and capabilities, which can boost your self-esteem.

Encourages Growth

Expecting the best from people motivates them to live up to those expectations. It encourages personal growth and self-improvement as individuals strive to meet the positive image you have of them.

Dealing with Difficult Personalities and Situations

When faced with the challenge of working with someone you don’t mesh with or particularly like, focusing on upping your competence can be key to achieving a common goal. By leveraging your skills and knowledge in such situations, you can maintain professionalism and ensure the job gets done effectively, regardless of personal differences.

This could mean communicating clearly and concisely, setting clear goals and timelines, and maintaining a positive attitude even in the face of challenges. By taking the high road and committing to delivering your best work, you not only display leadership but also encourage others to rise to the occasion. By focusing on your competence and leading by example, you can inspire others to do the same, fostering a more productive and harmonious working relationship.


Namaste, a word rich in depth and meaning which has been embraced by yogis and spiritual seekers, signifies a profound message: “The Good in me sees the Good in you.” Next time you practice yoga or find yourself in a moment of connection, remember the essence of namaste. This soulful greeting signifies the following:

Acknowledgment of Inner Light

Namaste is a recognition of the divine spark within each individual. By saying it, you honor the goodness, love, and light that resides in both yourself and others, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectedness.

Cultivation of Respect

When we say namaste, we show respect and reverence towards the people around us, acknowledging their inherent worth and dignity. This simple yet powerful gesture promotes harmony and kindness in human interactions.

Alignment with the Present Moment

By uttering “namaste” before or after a yoga session, you bring yourself into the present moment, fully embracing the experience with an open heart and mind. This fosters mindfulness and a sense of deep connection with yourself and those around you.

Transformation of Energy

The vibration of the word namaste has the power to shift energy and create a harmonious atmosphere. It sets the intention for the practice, creating a space filled with positivity, compassion, and understanding.

Reflection of Oneness

Namaste serves as a reminder of the oneness that exists beyond physical boundaries and differences. It encapsulates the belief that we are all interconnected and part of the same universal energy, promoting empathy, compassion, and unity.


To truly see the good in others, we must first recognize the goodness within: it’s like a mirror reflecting the positivity and kindness we possess. By acknowledging and embracing our strengths and virtues, we become more attuned to recognizing the same in those around us. This allows us to approach others with empathy and compassion, naturally attract and appreciate the goodness in others, and foster harmonious relationships built on mutual respect and understanding.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the secret to seeing the good in every person you meet. I hope that you found this information valuable and that it inspires you to approach others with kindness and empathy. Every person has their own story and struggles, so let’s strive to see the good in everyone we meet and remember that a little kindness goes a long way.

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