
The Truth: Our Pathway to Ultimate Freedom and Bliss

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Are you on a quest for truth, seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence and discover the ultimate reality? The pursuit of truth is a noble endeavor, one that can lead to profound insights and personal liberation. As the saying goes, “The truth will set you free.”

But what does this really mean, and how can the pursuit of truth help you find inner freedom and fulfillment? Let’s delve into the depths of this philosophical journey and explore how seeking truth can lead to a greater sense of clarity, purpose, and self-worth.

Defining the Truth

When it comes to seeking the truth, it is essential to understand that there are two distinct kinds of truths: the Truth of God and the truth of man. The Truth of God often refers to spiritual and divine insights, while the truth of man pertains to knowledge, beliefs, and perspectives shaped by worldly understanding and experiences. 

The truth of man is not really the truth, but opinions. Most of the time, opinions are often wrong as there can be eight billion opinions about something. The ultimate Truth doesn’t change—the knowingness of what IS remains true forever. It’s important to distinguish between personal opinions and timeless Truths to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and understanding.

Ultimate Freedom and Bliss

Ultimate freedom transcends mere physical liberation and reaches into the depths of the soul. It is a state of being where we are liberated from the shackles of desires, attachments, and ego, allowing our spirit to soar freely and connect with the Divine. Ultimate freedom is the realization that true happiness and peace come from within, independent of external circumstances or worldly possessions.

Bliss is the essence of spiritual enlightenment, where we can experience a deep sense of unity, love, and harmony with all existence—the ultimate fulfillment of our soul. In this state of freedom and bliss, judgment dissolves. We immerse into a profound inner journey towards self-realization, where we discover our true essence and align with the universal energy of love and compassion.

Respecting the Illusion

Know the Truth, but it is essential to acknowledge and respect illusions (truth of man), as both offer unique insights that shape our perceptions and decisions. Time is often described as an illusion, a concept that we created to make sense of the world around us. Despite its intangible nature, we rely on the notion of time to structure our lives and meet our day-to-day responsibilities. Without a blend of Truth and illusion, we risk being disconnected from the complexities of the world, hindering our growth and evolution.

I am is the Way

When Jesus said, “I am the way,” he emphasized looking inward and upward rather than relying on external sources for truth. By declaring “I am is the way,” he pointed to the Truth within that leads to freedom. Jesus’ message resonates with the idea that self-discovery and inner wisdom are key to finding True guidance and liberation; this profound teaching encourages introspection and spiritual growth.

We are Spirit Beings Having Human Experiences

Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences one can face in life; it is natural to question what happens after death and if there is an afterlife. By understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, many mysteries that science and religion cannot fully explain start to make more sense. Embracing the idea that our spirits continue to exist beyond our physical bodies can bring comfort and a deeper understanding of the complexities of life and death, offering hope and solace in times of grief and loss.

Facts of Science

Science is an incredible tool that allows us to rely on our senses to test, observe, experiment, and measure various phenomena, despite their potential to deceive us at times. In the realm of quantum physics, where the boundaries of conventional wisdom are constantly pushed, the role of personal perception in shaping reality becomes ever more pronounced. It challenges us to consider that our beliefs can influence the very fabric of matter itself, transcending traditional understandings of the physical world. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, science continues to unveil profound truths about our existence, affirming the dynamic interplay between empirical evidence and our consciousness.

In the ever-evolving realm of science, concepts can shift and become outdated over time. Take the case of Pluto: once considered the ninth planet of our solar system, it was later reclassified as a dwarf planet. Similarly, the debates on whether coffee is beneficial or harmful to health or whether breakfast truly holds the title of the most important meal of the day showcase how scientific perspectives can change. New studies and findings often challenge and disprove older theories, rendering many older textbooks no longer officially valid. This fluidity underscores the dynamic nature of scientific understanding and the importance of staying updated on the latest research and discoveries.

Dogmas of Religion

Religion teaches us about the existence of a higher power, often referred to as “God.” However, it is common for this deity to be portrayed as jealous and vengeful, requiring sacrifices. This portrayal can lead to skepticism and doubt surrounding religion, but it is important to recognize that interpretations and depictions of god can vary widely across different belief systems; the dogmas of the church may sometimes be veiled in lies disguised as truths. 

The Truth coming out of the well” by Jean-Léon Gérôme in 1896 reflects this notion; the painting represents the idea that truth may be buried or obscured but will eventually emerge. Similarly, within religious institutions, there may be teachings or beliefs that are presented as absolute truths but are, in reality, based on manipulation or misinformation. It is vital to approach religion with a critical mind, questioning and reflecting on the beliefs presented to discern genuine Truths from deceptive dogmas.

There is Only One Thing and We are All It

Understanding and accepting ourselves fully can indeed be the most daunting task we face in our lifetime; it’s akin to a knife not being able to cut itself or a fire not able to burn itself. Our consciousness, too, struggles to perceive itself without some form of duality–the truth of God lies within each one of us, as we are all reflections of the Divine essence. 

The most important Truth surpasses quantum physics and gravity; it is the realization of who we are: the Child of God. In this understanding lies a profound revelation: we are all connected as One, unified in the divine essence of our Creator. Embracing this fundamental truth unlocks a sense of unity and purpose, reminding us of the inherent beauty and power that resides within each of us. Let this truth guide our actions, thoughts, and interactions, for we are truly One.


The Truth we are seeking is the realization of our Divine self—remembering who we truly are means acknowledging our innate connection to God. By recognizing and honoring our true nature, we can tap into our limitless potential and strive to walk the path of enlightenment. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey to uncover the truth and find our pathway to ultimate freedom and bliss. Remember: the power lies within each of us to create the life we truly desire. Let’s continue to support and lift each other up on this beautiful journey of self-discovery and growth!

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