meditating person with her eyes closed

How to Know If You’re Ascending to Higher Consciousness

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As we progress on this spiritual voyage, we may experience heightened synchronicities, stronger connections, and a newfound acceptance and compassion. But how can you truly know if you’re ascending to higher consciousness? Let’s delve into the tangible signs that indicate you’re on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Understanding Higher Consciousness

Achieving higher consciousness involves awakening to our true nature and embracing our divinity. It is a state of heightened awareness where we transcend the ego-driven mind and connect with our spirit self, leading to a greater sense of purpose in life. It is also a journey of self-discovery and self-realization that opens up new perspectives, allowing us to live more authentically

Embracing higher consciousness brings about a profound transformation that enhances our overall well-being and fulfillment. Here’s how to know if you’re on the right path:

Being empathetic is a powerful indicator of heightened level of consciousness. When we practice empathy, we demonstrate a deep understanding and emotional connection with others, showing that we are able to perceive and appreciate different perspectives and experiences. This ability to empathize shows that we are attuned to others and recognize the significance of compassion and kindness.

When someone is on the path to higher consciousness, they may unlock a myriad of spiritual gifts:

Healing Abilities

There are various kinds of healing abilities that an awakened individual can possess:

  • Herbalism is more than just a practice of using plants and herbs for healing. For many, it is considered a spiritual gift that connects individuals to nature and the energies of the earth. Through the intricate process of identifying, cultivating, and utilizing various plants for medicinal purposes, herbalism allows practitioners to tap into a deeper level of spirituality and intuition and foster a profound relationship with the natural world.
  • Massage or Reiki Healing is another popular method where practitioners use their hands to manipulate energy and promote physical and emotional well-being. 
  • Sound Healing utilizes vibrations and frequencies to restore balance and harmony within the body. 
  • Medical intuitive can diagnose health issues through intuitive means, often providing guidance and recommendations for treatment. They tune into a person’s energy and emotional state to identify potential health issues. The practice of medical intuition is based on the belief that physical ailments can be linked to emotional, mental, or spiritual imbalances within an individual.

Seeing Auras and Energy Fields

Another spiritual gift is the ability to perceive the colors and patterns of auras, as well as the flow of energy within and around living beings. Through meditation, mindfulness practices, and spiritual development, we can further enhance and fine-tune this ability to see and interpret auras and energy fields, enriching our spiritual journey and deepening our connection to the world around us.

Channeling Angels

The ability to channel angels or entities from higher levels of consciousness is another spiritual gift. An example of this is Darryl Anka, who channels Bashaar. Through this connection, valuable insights, teachings, and messages can be relayed from these spiritual beings to help guide and uplift others on their spiritual journeys. Channeling allows for a direct line of communication to be established between the physical world and the spiritual realm, offering perspectives and knowledge that can bring about growth, healing, and transformation.

Communicating with Spirits

Mediums are individuals who possess the ability to connect with spirits of the deceased and provide messages and insights to their loved ones. It is considered a spiritual gift to have the ability to offer closure to family members of the deceased because it can bring solace, comfort, and healing to those who are grieving. Mediums act as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual realm, offering reassurance that their departed loved ones are at peace and watching over them.

Knowledge of Light Language

Light language is a form of energetic communication that transcends spoken words; it involves using symbols, gestures, tones, and frequencies to convey messages from higher realms of consciousness. Those who possess the ability to use light language are considered to have a spiritual gift because they can bring forth divine energies and healing vibrations through their messages. This language has the power to activate dormant codes within the listener, facilitate spiritual awakening, and promote deep healing on mental, emotional, and physical levels.

Wisdom on Sacred Geometry

Schools typically do not include sacred geometry in their curriculum, making it a rare and valuable knowledge to possess. As the understanding of sacred geometry delves into the deeper realms of spirituality and interconnectedness, individuals who are well-versed in this ancient wisdom are considered to be gifted with a profound insight into the universe’s intricate design and symbolic meanings.

Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities encompass a wide range of extraordinary skills that go beyond the five physical senses:


Clairvoyance—which also means “clear seeing” in French—allows us to perceive information about events or objects that cannot be discerned through ordinary means.


Clairaudience involves the ability to perceive information through hearing sounds or voices that are beyond the reach of normal auditory perception. Clairaudient individuals may experience hearing voices, music, or sounds that provide them with insights, guidance, or warnings.


Clairsentience is an ability to perceive and understand energy, emotions, and sensations from people, places, or objects. Those who possess clairsentient abilities are often highly sensitive to their surroundings and can pick up on subtle vibrations and feelings. This gift enables them to have a deep intuitive understanding of situations and individuals without relying on tangible evidence, which can manifest in various ways such as gut feelings, physical sensations, or emotional responses.


Telepathy is the ability to communicate thoughts, feelings, or sensations directly from one person’s mind to another without using verbal or physical cues.


Precognition is the supposed ability to foresee events in the future before they happen. While skeptics may view this (and everything on the list) as pseudoscience, many people believe they have experienced moments of precognition in various forms, such as vivid dreams that later materialize or sudden gut feelings that turn out to be true. This phenomenon can occur in subtle ways that may go unnoticed or be dismissed as mere coincidence, such as déjà vu or premonitions.

Clear Dreams

Having clear dreams and the ability to lucid dream are often seen as signs of awakening to higher consciousness. Clear dreams signify a mind that is more tuned in and aware, allowing for vivid and easy recollection. On the other hand, lucid dreaming involves being conscious and aware within the dream itself, showing a level of control and mastery over one’s subconscious. Both experiences can indicate a deeper connection to the inner self and a greater understanding of the spiritual realm.

Sense of Oneness

The sense of oneness emerges when we recognize that we are all reflections of each other. Our feelings toward other, whether positive or negative, are often projections of our internal landscape. Oneness signifies a shift from the illusions of division and duality in the material realm, towards a deeper understanding of interconnectedness and unity—fostering empathy, compassion, and harmony.

In our personal healing journey, there lies the profound truth that as we mend our inner wounds and strive towards wholeness, we inadvertently contribute to the healing of the world at large. The notion that our primary goal is to achieve unity within ourselves encapsulates the essence of oneness. Each step taken towards personal growth and self-discovery has a ripple effect, resonating with our interconnectedness.

Heightened Synchronicities

Synchronicity goes beyond angel numbers like 11:11; it revolves around being in tune with the Divine in all our actions. When aligned, signs manifest to affirm the path’s correctness; for instance, spotting a double rainbow after requesting a sign or encountering aid in the wilderness highlight synchronicity’s essence. These occurrences reassure us that we are on the right track and supported by unseen forces, strengthening our connection to the spiritual realm.

It’s essential to exercise discernment in distinguishing between random coincidences and meaningful connections. Synchronicity is the concept of meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by conventional causality. By being discerning, individuals can better recognize the subtle signs and patterns that may indicate a deeper significance at play. This awareness allows one to embrace synchronicity as a guiding force in life, leading to a deeper understanding of interconnectedness and a sense of alignment with the universe.

Physical Symptoms

These physical symptoms typically arise as the body purges lower energies and aligns itself with the new frequencies of elevated energy vibrations:

Shaking and Tingling Sensations

Shaking is often viewed as a sign of awakening to higher consciousness, as it symbolizes the release of stagnant energy and the awakening of inner vibrations. A tingling sensation is believed to be caused by an increase in energy flow, specifically in the chakras or energy centers throughout the body.

Buzzing in the Head

This sensation is often described as a gentle vibration or buzzing that can occur during periods of deep meditation or other spiritual practices. Ensure to not confuse this symptom with having tinnitus; the buzzing in the head related to spiritual awakening may come and go, while tinnitus is persistent and does not subside.

Tinnitus is not necessarily related to spiritual awakening or heightened consciousness and can occur without any particular trigger, whereas the buzzing sensation during awakening may coincide with moments of heightened awareness. Remember that tinnitus may be accompanied by other symptoms such as hearing loss, dizziness, or ear pain, whereas the buzzing in the head related to awakening typically does not present with these additional symptoms; seek medical advice if needed.

Feeling Like Forehead is Being Touched

This ethereal touch is believed to represent a connection to a deeper spiritual realm, a sign of divine guidance or inner awakening. It can evoke a sense of peace, clarity, and heightened awareness, serving as a reminder of the presence of something greater than ourselves.


Don’t fret if you don’t have any of the mentioned signs above. However, if you’re reading this article, there’s a high chance that you might be experiencing at least one of the signs of awakening to higher consciousness. It’s essential to recognize and embrace these signs as they indicate a journey toward spiritual growth and self-awareness. 

Thank you for taking the time to explore the signs of ascending to higher consciousness with us. We hope this information has provided you with clarity and guidance on your spiritual journey. Embrace the process with an open mind and heart, as this can lead to a profound transformation in your life!

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