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Multidimensionality: The Science of Spiritual Awakening

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Embracing multidimensionality is crucial for anyone on a spiritual journey. It means acknowledging that our existence is not limited to the physical realm but extends beyond it, encompassing different aspects such as emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions. This realization can help us connect with our multidimensional selves, which can guide us in embodying our essence and purpose.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how this multidimensionality can help us understand and even enhance our spiritual awakening journey. So buckle up and let’s dive into the fascinating world of multidimensionality.

What is Multidimensionality?

The origin of the word “dimension” can be traced back to the Latin word “dimensio,” which means to measure and interestingly,  the Latin root word of “science” means to cut.  Dimension then refers to a measurement of two. In essence, it means that every dimension is a measurement of only one thing and is divided into two points of view over and over. It’s worth noting that dimensions are not the same as realms. By keeping this in mind, we can better comprehend the concept of dimensions. So while dimensions may seem abstract and mysterious, they are simply measurements that help us understand the world around us. 

Matias de Stefano is a well-known spiritual teacher who explains the concept of multidimensionality. Matias views multidimensionality as an integral part of the evolution of our consciousness, enabling us to awaken to our true nature and connect with the divine. Overall, his teachings on multidimensionality present a fascinating perspective on human existence and invite us to explore our potential through a wider lens of perception. The 10 dimensions are as follows:

First Dimension

The concept of the first dimension is all about the measurement of the One. It emphasizes that there is only one realitywhether it is called Love, God, “I am” or a concept, it all belongs to one thing. The first dimension emphasizes unity, in which everything is interconnected and has no perspective. In simple words, this dimension teaches us that everything is equal and that there is no need to differentiate anything based on its size, importance or complexity.

Second Dimension

The second dimension is where everything is viewed from two perspectives: positive and negative, creating polarity. This polarity gives birth to two forms of unity: time and space. The dimension seems to blend the concept of time and space. In this dimension, “one” can express time and space effortlessly; it is indeed where the duality resides.

Third Dimension

When time and space collapse into each other, the third dimension is born. In this dimension, we experience the third point of unity, where duality is expressed. The third dimension is often where we tend to focus more on the material aspects of life and become more concerned about our individuality, often leading to a sense of separation from others. It is important to recognize that although this aspect of the third dimension may bring about negative feelings, it is also an opportunity for growth and understanding. By acknowledging and accepting these aspects of life, and working towards uniting with others, we can achieve personal growth and experience a more fulfilling sense of harmony.

Fourth Dimension

The fourth dimension, as scientists and philosophers understand it, is time. In the fourth dimension, time is not just a static parameter, but a flexible and dynamic aspect of the universe. It is the frequency at which things are happening which can be warped and distorted by massive objects, such as black holes. The distortion can cause time to slow down or speed up. In contrast, in the 3rd dimension, time is simply a linear progression from past, present to future, with no room for distortion. It is clear that time is an essential part of our existence, and it is through the dimension of time that we experience our lives and the world around us.

Fifth Dimension

The fifth dimension is an interesting concept, where the awareness of “spinning” takes place. This spinning is not a physical attribute but encompasses the energetic spin of all creations. This dimension holds the Akashic record, a non-physical vibrational library where all the data of living is recorded. It is also believed that every action, thought, and feeling is recorded in this cosmic library by the spinning energy, which stays etched into this dimension.

Sixth Dimension

The sixth dimension follows the transformation of the awareness of the 5th dimension. After we become aware of the 5th dimension and experience the spinning of the 4th dimension, the sixth dimension comes into the picture. At this stage, we attain an even deeper level of awareness. In the sixth dimension, we can understand and control natural forces that are beyond the human mind’s comprehension. It is a space of immense power and profound wisdom.

Seventh Dimension

The seventh dimension represents enlightenment and oneness with the universe. Often referred to as “becoming the Light,” this dimension encapsulates the understanding that we are all interconnected and that we are all part of a greater whole, which many people believe to be God. The 6th dimension, by comparison, is focused on achieving a state of enlightenment, but the seventh dimension takes this a step further by entering the dimension where the archangels reside. This is a dimension where we can fully embrace the idea that we are all God.

Eight Dimension

The seventh dimension is an intriguing concept that shows how dimensions can expand and converge to create new ones. The 7th dimension expands to meet itself, forming the eighth dimension, which is also known as the dimension of eternity. In this dimension, everything is perceived, every being is living, and every possible reality and timeline exists.

Ninth Dimension

The ninth dimension is the utmost level of comprehension and awareness of all the aspects of the universe, also referred to as the Divine or the “I am” understanding. This level of understanding leads us to the concept of Oneness. It is significant to note that the 1st dimension is unconscious of itself, it just exists, while the ninth dimension holds consciousness and recognizes everything else. The ninth dimension seems to be the ultimate level of consciousness, where one can experience everything as one connected entity rather than separate and distinct parts.

Tenth Dimension

According to string theory, the universe exists in 10 dimensions simultaneously. Some believe that the tenth dimension is where a new cycle of oneness resides, where the universe recreates itself in a continuous loop. 

To sum it up, the only way we can reach the ninth dimension is through the third and sixth dimensions. In the third dimension, we are considered co-creators of our reality. It is therefore imperative that we create experiences to fully comprehend and understand this concept. Changing dimensions allows for a shift in perspective, which leads to a deeper understanding of our true selves. Understanding the concept of multidimensionality does not involve physically travelling to other dimensions, but rather acknowledging that there is only one unified entity. Moreover, death is not a limiting factor in this process.

Understanding the Foundation of Spirituality

Understanding the foundation of spirituality involves an acknowledgement of its multidimensionality, which includes practices, rituals, beliefs, and experiences that relate to transcendence and ultimate truth. Spirituality also overlaps with moral foundations, and integrating these two domains can enhance spiritual development and well-being.  

One of the foundational concepts within the New Age spiritual community is the idea of multidimensionality, which suggests that we derived from one unified consciousness that has split into countless spirits. This posits that through meditation, lucid dreaming or other means, we can access different dimensions and experience a greater sense of self-awareness and connection to the universe. While this concept may seem abstract or difficult to comprehend, it offers a unique perspective on the nature of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things. Some new-age practitioners embrace this idea as a way to deepen their spiritual practice and explore new realms of existence.

To truly understand spirituality, it is important to differentiate it from religion. While religion caters to those who have a fear of eternal damnation, spirituality is for those who have been through life’s trials and tribulations. Spirituality is not about blindly following rules and guidelines, but rather experiencing a connection with a higher power. Although spirituality is preferred over religion, religion still has its place in giving a basic foundation of spiritual beliefs. This foundation is essential for those who are new to spirituality and may not fully understand it yet. 

Spirituality is about stepping out of the box and exploring new and diverse ways to connect with the divine. Just like training wheels on a bike, religions provide a foundation, but there comes a time when we must move beyond dogmatic practices and recognize the universality of all religions. We must transcend the named religions and connect with the universal energy that binds us all together; it’s impossible to create a universal theology, but we can experience the spirituality that transcends all religions.

Science of Multidimensionality

The Many Worlds Theory is a fascinating concept associated with quantum mechanics that suggests all possible outcomes of a quantum interaction occur but in various parallel realities. This theory implies that reality is continually dividing into an increasing number of possible outcomes with each quantum event that takes place. For instance, in  Nobel Prize-winning Schrödinger’s cat-in-the-box experiment, it is both alive and dead, but only in one reality at a time. 

The Many Worlds Theory suggests a vast number of parallel universes where different outcomes of quantum interactions have taken place. Although this idea may be difficult to fathom, it has gained widespread recognition among physicists, marking a significant advancement in the field of quantum mechanics.

Intersection of Science and Spiritual Philosophy

While some believe that science and spirituality are incompatible, there are others who believe that science is “mysticism’s younger brother,” always trying to prove what mysticism already knows. Science seeks to understand the world through experimentation and observation, while mysticism seeks to understand the universe through spiritual wisdom and intuition. Yet some of the greatest philosophers in history have recognized the value of both science and mysticism and have attempted to find harmony between the two. Although they may approach discovery in different ways, they can work together to help us better understand ourselves and the world around us. 

Through studying the main branches of philosophy, we can gain a deeper insight into how everything is connected. However, we need to keep in mind that the beliefs of spiritual philosophies cannot be scientifically tested or rejected. As a result, we need to be open-minded and willing to embrace new ideas and knowledge, whether it comes from the scientific community, spiritual traditions, or both. Ultimately, the intersection of science and spiritual philosophy provides a unique opportunity for us to explore the big questions about life and the universe that have puzzled humanity for millennia.

The connection between quantum physics and spirituality is a fascinating subject. The more quantum physicists delve into the nature of reality, the more they realize that the traditional understanding of space and time is an illusion. This idea aligns with the belief in many spiritual traditions that everything is interconnected and that there is a profound, mystical aspect to the universe. 

Moreover, the concept of quantum entanglement suggests that objects in the universe are more interconnected than we realize, affecting each other instantly across vast distances and even allowing for teleportation. In that sense, exploring the connection between quantum physics and spirituality is a valuable endeavor that can help us better understand the mysteries of the universe.

Multidimensionality of Spirituality

When it comes to spiritual well-being, a one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work. Each of our spiritual journeys is unique, and what works for me may not work for you. It’s important to be true to our design and inner nature, rather than trying to fit into a predetermined mold. 

In fact, research shows that religious and spiritual identities can vary greatly in terms of their effects on our well-being. What’s important is that we are able to tailor our spiritual practices to our needs and beliefs, without feeling pressured to conform to a specific set of rules or traditions. Maintaining a sense of individuality is key when it comes to spiritual health and well-being.

By embracing multidimensionality, we can expand our consciousness, relax our minds, and observe ourselves from within. By doing so, we can build resilience, foster well-being, and deepen our engagement with spiritual practices that resonate with our personal values.

Multidimensional Cosmos Through Quantum Holography

Some physicists believe that our reality is a three-dimensional projection of a two-dimensional surface, kind of like a hologram. This mind-bending theory, known as the holographic principle, suggests that fundamental physics can be described with only two dimensions instead of the usual three. This could mean that everything we see and experience in the universe is just a projection of a flat, two-dimensional reality; the holographic principle, therefore, implies that the universe’s fabric, space-time, could be an illusion, a quantum code that represents a vast, higher-dimensional reality. 

Don’t be too quick to dismiss this theory as just wacky physics. Some scientists are exploring the idea that the holographic principle could bring us a step closer to understanding the mysteries of black holes, dark matter, and the Big Bang. Black holes could be described in terms of a simpler, lower-dimensional system. Scientists are also investigating the possibility that dark matter could be a hologram from another dimension, too faint for us to observe directly. The holographic principle might even help us solve the biggest mystery of all: what happened at the moment the universe was created. Perhaps our universe doesn’t start as a singular event but is a projection of a more expansive reality. The holographic principle may sound like science fiction, but it’s a serious idea that could lead us to new discoveries about the nature of our universe.

Can Physics Fully Explain Consciousness?

The mystery of consciousness has puzzled scientists for decades, with many wondering whether we will ever truly understand it. Many believe that the randomness found in quantum mechanics is the source of consciousness and the mind. In this field of science, precise outcomes cannot always be calculatedonly percentage probabilities can be found. Everything is not predetermined by cause and effect, suggesting that free will is possible. Some argue that this allows for a level of unpredictability, and perhaps even creativity, within the human experience.

Some believe that physics can fully explain it while others argue that consciousness cannot be reduced to neural activity alone. Recent experiments have highlighted quantum entanglement in the brain, leading some to propose the notion of a “quantum brain,” which could provide a solution to the hard problem of consciousness. The interpretation, known as the Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation, suggests that consciousness is responsible for the collapse of the wave function.

Studies have also found evidence that this is how our brains process stimuli. The quantum activity might further explain why we can outperform supercomputers in unforeseen circumstances and decision-making. Overall, there is growing evidence that quantum activity could play a crucial role in the mystery of our consciousness.

While traditionally dismissed as far-fetched, an increasing number of scientists are taking seriously the possibility that the unusual laws of physics governing the quantum world are also behind what allows us to experience consciousness.

Evolution of Collective Consciousness

The evolution of collective consciousness has been a topic of great interest for scientists and spiritualists alike, with the vital link between quantum physics and metaphysics playing a significant role in this discussion. The interconnectedness of all things, as suggested by quantum physics, has led to a new form of mysticism. Everything and everyone is made up of atoms, and this shift in consciousness is bringing about a new Earth, one that is more in tune with the universe. This transition is not physical but rather spiritual. 

Many people have experienced a shift in consciousness in recent years, which has led us to explore the idea of multidimensionality. The 3D world is the physical reality that we experience with our five senses. It is a world of duality, suffering, struggle, and limitation, and is often characterized by materialism, fear, and separation. 

Eckhart Tolle‘s book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose has inspired me and millions of others to understand the importance of evolving our consciousness to create a better world. Tolle reveals that our current state of egoic consciousness has led us to create dysfunctional manifestations both on an individual and collective level. However, he believes that this was a necessary stage in our evolution to bring us to where we are today. Through a radical inner leap, Tolle suggests that we have the opportunity to birth a new Earth, where we live in alignment with our true purpose and values.


Spirituality and science might be connected, and quantum physics plays a significant part in our spiritual awakening. Overall, the evidence suggests that spirituality can be effective in promoting mental health and should be considered an important aspect of care when dealing with mental health issues. Embracing multidimensionality can be a transformative experience that can open up new possibilities for spiritual growth and self-discovery. It has been said that the world is only an illusion, a hologram created by our own minds. However, it’s important to remember that we have the power to change our perception and see things in a more positive light. Practicing a positive perception means learning to imagine that we are all one!

Thank you for joining us on this journey through multidimensionality and the science of spiritual awakening. We hope this blog has inspired you to explore the limitless possibilities of your own consciousness. If you have any questions or insights to share, please leave a comment below. And remember, always be grateful and keep empathy in your heart.

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