
Why You Shouldn’t Rush Your Kundalini Awakening

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If you’ve found yourself deep in the rabbit hole of pop spirituality, chances are you’ve come across the term Kundalini Awakening. This phenomenon is often glamorized by spiritual influencers, leading to some misconceptions; in this blog post, we delve into the reasons why rushing your Kundalini awakening may not be in your best interest.

What is Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini awakening is a spiritual concept rooted in ancient Indian traditions, referring to the dormant energy at the base of the spine that can be awakened through various practices like yoga, meditation, and breathwork. As this powerful energy rises through the seven chakras (energy centers) in the body, it is believed to not only bring about spiritual enlightenment but also foster personal growth and transformation. 

The term is synonymous with ascending towards higher consciousness, involving aligning and balancing the chakras. As the Kundalini energy ascends, we may experience a deepening connection with our true selves, a heightened sense of awareness, and a feeling of interconnectedness with the universe. By raising our consciousness through this process, we may also experience increased clarity, intuition, and a greater understanding of our purpose in life. Ultimately, Kundalini awakening can be seen as a pathway to spiritual evolution and self-realization, leading to a profound sense of inner peace and harmony.

Kundalini During the Ancient Times

The Pharaohs’ headdresses in ancient Egypt held a significant role, often featuring serpent symbols in their adornments. This symbolism carries a deep meaning tied to Kundalini awakening, originating from the Sanskrit word “Kunda” for a coiled serpent. Just as the serpent represents the dormant energy within waiting to be awakened, the intricate headdresses of the Pharaohs symbolize spiritual enlightenment.

This journey of energy flowing from the navel up to the crown and then pouring down to the third eye is deeply symbolic and linked to the concept of “let your cup runneth over.” This phrase, originating from biblical sources, signifies abundance and overflowing blessings. In various ancient cultures and stories—such as Hindu mythology with the idea of Shakti rising through the chakras, or the imagery of the Caduceus staff in Greek mythology—we can find parallels to the concept of Kundalini energy and its transformative powers.

Dangers of Rushing Kundalini Awakening

When embarking on a journey to awaken the spirit of God within, any impurities or negativity within oneself are said to be confronted and burnt away during the Kundalini Awakening. This may cause the following:

Physical and Emotional Imbalance

Kundalini awakening is a powerful spiritual experience that can bring about profound changes in our life. However, it can also manifest in challenging ways such as chronic fatigue, mood swings, and physical pain. Some may experience physical symptoms such as intense headaches, insomnia, or digestive issues when the Kundalini energy is forced to rise too quickly, so it is crucial to listen to the body and proceed with patience and care.

Overwhelming Energy

Kundalini energy is powerful and can be overwhelming if not awakened gradually and with proper guidance. Rushing the process may result in sudden bursts of intense burning energy that one may not be able to handle.

Psychological Disturbances

Without proper preparation and guidance, a rushed Kundalini awakening can trigger psychological disturbances such as anxiety, depression, or even psychosis. It is essential to approach this spiritual awakening with caution and respect.

Spiritual Crisis

Rushing Kundalini awakening can also lead to a spiritual crisis, where one can feel disconnected from their sense of self and struggle to integrate the heightened spiritual experiences into their daily life. This can lead to feelings of disorientation, confusion, and a lack of stability—leading to an intense spiritual crisis known as the Dark Night of the Soul.

False Gurus and Teachers

Rushing Kundalini awakening can leave one vulnerable to false gurus or teachers who may exploit their eagerness for spiritual growth. It is essential to be discerning if the desire to raise your consciousness is ego-based and seek guidance from reputable sources.

Seeking Guidance from Experienced Practitioners

When it comes to rushed Kundalini awakening, the symptoms can often be overwhelming and intense, leaving some struggling to find relief. Modern medicine, unfortunately, lacks a clear understanding of this spiritual phenomenon, making it challenging to provide a proper cure. 

As Voltaire once wisely said, “Doctors prescribe medicines that they know very little into bodies that they know even less for diseases they know nothing about.” This sentiment highlights the limitations of conventional medicine in addressing holistic and metaphysical experiences like Kundalini awakening. As a result, those undergoing such a journey often find themselves seeking alternative healing modalities and spiritual practices.

Building a Strong Foundation for a Safe Awakening

To prevent a rushing Kundalini awakening and potential Kundalini casualties, we can take several precautions:

Ask the Divine to Guide You Through It

When we seek the guidance of the Divine Mother, Shekinah, Holy Spirit, Universe etc (they are all the same), we invite a comforting presence into our lives. Just as a caring mother protects her child, we are offered guidance and only receive the lessons that can be handled in the present moment. Remember that this is also known as inviting our inner guidance or listening to the wisdom within.

By cultivating awareness and presence through mindfulness, we can learn to quiet the mind and connect more deeply with our inner selves. This heightened sense of awareness can help us better sense the flow of energy within the body, a crucial aspect of Kundalini awakening. Meditation, on the other hand, helps in calming the mind and releasing blockages in the energy centers, especially in the heart center.

Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle that encompasses a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest can greatly support the process of Kundalini awakening. A healthy diet provides the necessary nutrients for the body to function optimally, while regular exercise helps in keeping the energy channels clear and promotes mental clarity. Sufficient rest is crucial for the body to recharge and rejuvenate, allowing for a smoother flow of energy within the body.

Natural Ways to Have Kundalini Awakening

Enlightenment cannot be forced; knowing the stories of the Bible, believing in Jesus, embarking on silent retreats or sound meditations, and ayahuasca journeys are all not sufficient. To awaken the Kundalini energy, we must integrate these experiences and the resulting knowledge to truly embody our divinity; here are some natural ways to do so:

Just be Nice

Cultivating a compassionate and empathetic attitude creates a positive energy field that resonates with higher vibrations. This positivity not only nurtures our spiritual growth but also uplifts those around us, creating a ripple effect of love and light. Acts of kindness and generosity can help clear blockages in the energetic body, allowing the Kundalini energy to flow more freely and awaken dormant spiritual potential.

Be of Service

That warm, fulfilling sensation in the heart area when you know you’ve helped someone is truly a special experience—feelings of love, connection, and purpose. When we engage in selfless acts of service, we are not only helping others but also awakening our own Kundalini energy. By being of service to others, we can tap into our higher consciousness and connect with their inner selves, leading to a sense of Oneness.

The concept of the Last Judgment transcends the notion of a catastrophic end of the world, as depicted in the linear interpretation of the book of Revelation. The spiritual interpretation instead symbolizes a profound moment of personal and collective introspection. It signifies a day when we “last judge” our actions and thoughts—as well as those of others—paving the way for an ascension to higher levels of consciousness. Far from a doomsday scenario, the Last Judgment represents an opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection.

When it comes to Kundalini awakening, it’s crucial to understand that the journey is not about physically reaching a heavenly realm, but about inner growth and spiritual evolution. Instead of seeking an external paradise, we are encouraged to embrace our internal divinity and strive to become our best versions. 

This transformation is often associated with concepts like the New Earth or 5D, which signify a higher state of consciousness. In this perspective, heaven is not viewed as a physical location but rather a profound state of mind that can be achieved through self-realization and inner peace. The path to enlightenment is not a journey to a distant place but a realization that our true home has always been within us. We don’t “Go” to Heaven; we “Grow” to Heaven.


We are all on a spiritual journey, whether or not we believe in God. Awakening the Kundalini signifies an evolution to a higher consciousness, which provides a purpose for being here on Earth. The choice lies within us to embrace the lessons of this lifetime or to reincarnate for another chance; it is a personal decision to awaken the Kundalini naturally, paving the way for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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